Beaten Body, Proud Occupier with Allah ring

Beaten Body, Proud Occupier with Allah ring
Beaten Body, Proud Occupier with Allah ring

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Limbaugh Seeks High Ground Refrains From Guessing Obvious

On April, 6 2016 show Limbaugh refrained from choosing the better candidate, as he is fully aware that Ted Cruz has a very large and very fooled -- base. ************************************************************************************************ Who could blame him from not evoking their tsunami of ire and aggravation? Well - when it comes to CHOICES --why not go with a PROVEN WINNER not a proven WHINER! ************************************************************************************************ Conservatives STILL cling to their Cruz because he seems the "nice guy" due to his "good candidate, bad candidate stance due to his partnership with Marco Rubio. ************************************************************************************************ The two Cubans had agreed to block TRUMP and be glad to do it, one not wanting to be a lackluster greenhorn Senator anu more, the other tanned and ready to put on a good show. ************************************************************************************************ Friends, regrettably, Ted Cruz is a liar and that should give pause to anyone supporting him but TRUMP has stepped on more than a few toes including the "nice guy liar" Ted who will fool the voters just as long as it takes...and he has a lifetime to stay as Senator. ************************************************************************************************ Dod Ted Cruz promise NOT to run for President? Or was that quuestion reserved for RE-RUN time when Ted Cruz wants to get 6 more long years toward old age in the Senate. TRUST to fate on this one. Ol' Ted is NOT GOING anywhere except perhaps the GOPe's nomination for VP because even Ted knows he cannot win. ************************************************************************************************ It is a shame and a pity that a great candidate comes along that conservatives have waited TOO LONG for and ol' Limbaugh puts a toe in the water and says."NOPE, not gonna back TRUMP because CRUZ people would get too mad!" In so many words...that's it. This is the guy who wanted GOP conservatives to vote for Hillary in the primaries to STOP Obama. GRANTED IT WAS A LONG SHOT, and Obama got the nomination anyway even tho Hillary was the lesser of the two evils, clearly. ************************************************************************************************ Being the lesser in 2008, does NOT GIVE the GOP establishment worried about status quo sooooo much...they have NO RIGHT to deny the people the long awaited candidate who CAN BEAT HILLARY! ************************************************************************************************ Why GIVE up? No, Mr Limbugh, it is NOT because YOU backed her and wanted the GOP to pump her up to beat Obama. Totally understandable WHY you went out on that LIMB. Unlike Cruz and Rubio and Kasich -- NOBODY is telling YOU what to do. You want what's best for the country,RIGHT? ************************************************************************************************ So why not go out on a limb for TRUMP? Are you saying the GOPe had the right to throw everything AGAINST TRUMP who is the front-runner? Even if it means HILLARY has a CAKEWALK to VICTORY? ************************************************************************************************ This blogger has listened to your show for many years and cannot believe YOU of all people would allow TRUMP to get thrown under the bus like a "flaming bag of Halloween prank "STOMP-THIS-FIRE-OUT" and track the material into the house." ************************************************************************************************ Do you REALLY think the uSA can survive another eight years of "Obama II"?!?!?! ************************************************************************************************ 'Cause that is what Hillary Clinton has in mind, with that Bill Clinton advisory "TWIST" of the dirk for sure. ************************************************************************************************ TRUMP has every reason to do exactly as he has promised, especially since NOBODY is yanking any strings on him. TRUMP has more than enough "wherewithall" to not need to "feather his nest" or anyone else's for that matter. ************************************************************************************************ It's a matter of,"WHO do you TRUST?" And WE sure as heck do not trust a known crook who does as she pleases whether watched or not watched.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

More On Erstwhile Hillary Rodham Clinton

Was it not strange that Hillary Rodham Clinton suddenly announced to the world that she liked Al Jazzera? At the time, last year, the gullible public just thought,"Another sick,twisted Democrat holding hands with the folks who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11/2001! Perverse but predictable...or we can't be bigots, if Al Jazeera is the best, we should watch them. Nevermind, reporters always bias the news, to make the boss happy AKA job security." Now that Al Gore has profited $70 to $100 million$ from selling his network CurrentTV to Al Jazzeera...WE KNOW HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON WAS JUST PROMOTING Al Jazeera....AND her buddy Al Gore. Now that Al Gore is facing a LAWSUIT over the sale because his ALLY (friend,croney,business associate) ORIGINATED the IDEA to sell to Al Jazeera. John Terenzio, a "media consultant, executive and producer of television programming" mentioned in official court documents, is suing for $5 million, claiming he first conceived of selling CurrentTV to Al Jazeera. Paperwork for the lawsuit has been filed in San Francisco, coincidentally Ninth Circus Court country, where Gore's network is currently headquartered. John Terenzio wants full credit for the concept AND a relatively small commission, compared to Al Gore's gotten gains. Of course, if the Federal Communication Commission stepped in and cancelled the deal due to mounting propaganda or Al Jazeera getting too big as to constitute a monopoly...they both lose. That is not very likely because Time Warner and possibly others would have to contest the transaction. They do not feel threatened by the "merger". Hill put the Email blame on...among other timngs...being ALLOWED to have non-state dept. email accounts? A black lady with the US State Dept ALREADY testified that IT WAS AGAINST dept policy i.e. NOT ALLOWED...but the lawyerese fooled the smartest woman in the world who is also a lawyer? As for Benghazi...she COULD have done something, which she DID NOT except to go along with Pbama who did not want to "make waves" at election time with ANYONE. The military who were providing an "umbrella of aircover" COULD have buzzed Benghazi and perhaps shorten or prevented the attack BUT all have testified that they were told to "STAND DOWN". This blogger has researched the "Benghazi Banged-Up Deal" and there are elaborate and documented FACTS from all concerned and a lot of "SPIN" from a woman trying to convince people that she had NOTHING to do with the "BBUD". Sure, a person can compartmentalize GUILT and say,"I was just following orders" as that gambit may have had plausibility at NUREMBERG after World War II for privates and corporals in the German Army, but the "main players" who orchestrated MAJOR GRIEF "got theirs" for the most part. Being the Secretary of Defense or SecDef has a certain responsibility for the military. Being the Secretary of State, likewise has responsibility for STATE DEPT individuals. The average SECSTATE? would have done SOMETHING if only to SAY they had DONE SOMETHING...but the Hildebeast just "LET IT GO" because she did not want to "make waves" with the Democrat President. Did he give her the job to set her up for a "DAMNED IF I DO...DAMNED IF I DON't" situation like Benghazi? Even non-pundits MIGHT say "YES". ********************* These guys are MOSTLY OK... Mo Brooks AL-5 Gary Palmer AL-6 Trent Franks AZ-3 Paul Gosar AZ-4 Matt Salmon AZ-5 David Schweikert AZ-6 Tom McClintock CA-4 Ken Buck CO-4 Curt Clawson FL-19 Ted Yoho FL-3 Ron DeSantis FL-6 Bill Posey FL-8 Jody Hice GA-10 Barry Loudermilk GA-11 Rod Blum IA-1 Steve King IA-4 Raúl Labrador ID-1 Marlin Stutzman IN-3 Tim Huelskamp KS-1 John Fleming LA-4 Andy Harris MD-1 Justin Amash MI-3 Mark Meadows NC-11 Scott Garrett NJ-5 Steve Pearce NM-2 Jim Jordan OH-4 Jim Bridenstine OK-1 Keith Rothfus PA-12 Scott Perry PA-4 Mark Sanford SC-1 Jeff Duncan SC-3 Mick Mulvaney SC-5 Scott DesJarlais TN-4 Louie Gohmert TX-1 Ted Poe TX-2 Brian Babin TX-36 Dave (Bratwurst) Brat VA-7 Morgan Griffith VA-9 Reid Ribble WI-8 Alex Mooney WV-2 Cynthia Lummis WY-At Large

Friday, September 5, 2014

Points Racked Up By Competetion

Michael Savage’s questions for Obama: ******************************************************************************************************* 1. Why did you insist on pushing into the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department a lawyer who defended the assassin of a police officer? A lawyer who has such a hatred for the police and law enforcement that he called them “an occupying fascist presence”? ANSWERS FROM INSIDE THE MIND...OF OBAMA... A) 50% kickback,B) Spites Tea Party and all decent Americans.C) The shyster, a brother-in-spite, dislikes police. D) Might be a GAY liberal, socialist-minded lawyer, give him the benefit of the doubt. ******************************************************************************************************* 2. Why did you refuse to send military help to the people trapped in Benghazi? A) One of Obama's "brothers-on-the-right-side-of-the-blanket" MIGHT have been there killing someone B) Antagonized Muslims donate NO cash. C) Somebody might have got hurt. D) As in September of 2014, entirely TOO CLOSE to the election, E) It FELT almost as good as if I was killing them with drones...only I was not doing a rescue with drones. I, Obama, your king and Messiah, will do as I please -- AFTER the election. E) Like OPEN BORDERS? You will not believe the PERKS for ILLEGALS after November 6, 2014! Amnesty for all ILLEGALS -- in or out of jail! per Obama Kingly Edict. ******************************************************************************************************* 3. Why did you attack Israel and have John Kerry threaten the Jewish people with another intifada and boycotts unless they gave away half their nation? A) If threats against Israel is what it takes to get tiny Israel to give up safety space endangering itself and they are DUMB enough to do it...WHY NOT?B) Seemed like a GOOD idea at the time. C) As a black man and POTUS, I choose to oppose HYMIES even in Israel! **************************************************************************************************** 4. Why have you fired so many combat generals on such slim charges at a time when China is on the march and the Islamo-fascists are stronger than ever? ANSWERS: A) Either the military shapes up to what Obama wants them to do OR they ship out without pensions EARNED through years of dedication. B) This way military learns value of sacrifice. They will do as I SAY. C) And Obama gets to avenge Muslims D) YES men in charge will "GO EASY ON MUSLIMS" ******************************************************************************************************* 5. Why have you dismissed almost the entire nuclear command on trumped-up charges? A) Yes. FEELS GOOD to fire military, especially officers and enlisted men. B) Since we will NEVER NUKE AGAIN even if WE are NUKED, we need no NUKE people over a decreasing arsenal.C) Reducing the military makes my friends happy. They hate them more than I do.************************************************* 6. Why do you keep expanding the welfare state when the economy is so weak? Such as expanding unemployment payments? Not reining in the 12 million, and growing, army of Americans cashing in on disability payments? Failing to stop the unchecked growth of the number of people on food stamps? Virtually eliminating the work requirements for receiving welfare benefits? A) Weakens economy EVEN more, which makes MY day. Expanding unemployment payments weakens treasury, wastes taxpayer money. B) More disability means fewer Americans seeking work so unemployment goes down. C) More people on food stamps means MORE food sent to Africa for profit of African-Americans relatives in Africa or swapped for "FUN".************************************************************************ 7. Why do you keep pushing for amnesty for 30 million or more Mexicans and other illegal aliens when they are here illegally? And we cannot afford them? When they won’t learn English? Or learn our history? When they wave Mexican flags at sporting events and speak of the “gringo” with such contempt? A) As YOUR President of North American Union, I, Obama, would offer amnesty to 50,000,000 Mexicans and South Americans IF I could. B)Democrats need every vote, thus NO ID necessary means MORE Democrat votes. C) LEARN SPANISH, You Bible-clinging, gun-lovers. D) Stupid GOP establishment is helping me minimize the GOP interfering with MY agenda.*********************************************************** 8. Why won’t you stop the IRS from targeting conservative groups? Harassing them with audits and blocking their non-profit status? Why did you let Eric Holder choose a lawyer who had contributed thousands of dollars to your campaign to head the Justice Department IRS investigation when a special prosecutor is needed? A) IRS is having MORE FUN than a human being should. B) Seeing IRS get necks under their boots so-to-speak...MAKES MY DAY! C) IRS earn big BONUSES for being my henchmen, lackys, and fellow-travelers. D) Eric Holder got the idea to announce rights for GAYS, I thought it was BRILLIANT to get the heat off from IRS harassment at my behest, minimize Benghazi heat, help Americans forget NSA spying, and forget about any ways I have crossed the USA as a mean, spiteful, straight-razor toter. E) People mess with me, I scar them for life if only INSIDE. ******************************************************************************************************* 9. Why won’t you stop the NSA from spying on innocent Americans? A) They are enjoying it almost as much as I enjoy hearing Americans complain and moan pitifully about it.B) Sometimes the NSA hits the jackpot with something they can hang that RACIST albatross around a RICH REPUBLICAN'S NECK! C) Race baiters forced a baskeyball team RICHY RICH WHITE GUY to sell. That is so RICH and IRONIC that I can hardly contain my laughter at them. D) The REDSKINS OWNER IS NEXT with the trumped up charges. I may even go after the PEANUT PEOPLE --NOT! Jimmy Carter is a peanut farmer and LOVES THE ARABS LIKE ME -- cannot go after REDSKINS PEANUT marketers!********************************************************************************************* 10. Why don’t you prosecute gangsters on Wall Street and those corrupt senators and congressmen who are stealing billions through front groups and relatives? Through manipulating markets? On contracts? A) I would NEVER spite or bite the hand that FEEDS MY CAMPAIGN and MY DNC. B) Dozens of my donors have raked in MILLION$. C) Senators and relatives NEED campaign money too. Lighten UP! They take the money and RUN! (For Office) D) My "green crap" has made more millionaires than oil in the 21st Century! They take the money and RUN! (For retirement) ******************************************************************************************************* 11. Why don’t you approve the Keystone pipeline which will bring much-needed oil from Canada to refineries in America, for Americans? Instead of forcing the Canadians to ship this precious black gold to China? A) I only approve anything GOOD for America IF my Democrat run-congress can extract the "POUND OF FLESH" the way Reagan had to sign off on amnesty for 3,000,000 that served America no purpose but to encourage MORE lawlessness aliens. B) More illegals means a lower crime rate for Mexico. That's a PLUS for "Green" Retirees. How 'bout ol' Jesse...he a green retiree?BTW and ICYMI Jesse hates Bush as much as I do and NEVER criticizes ME.**************************************************************************************************** 12. Why don’t you encourage the expansion of charter schools so that underprivileged minority students have a chance at a real education? So they’re not trapped in a school system that dooms them to never realize their dreams? When 90 percent of African-Americans voted for you? A) If charter schools were approved, the unions would be unhappy and Common Core would not get to do its thing. B) All African Americans deserve Common Core. C) They need to appreciate Spanish speakers as much as I do. D) BTW Charter schools are said to be on MY side as a Democrat and Heritage LOVES Charter Schools.*********************************************************************************************** 13. Why do you make policy and change laws by presidential executive order when the Constitution grants those powers only to Congress? A)Sometimes the ONLY WAY I can defeat Congress hard-heads is by Presidential Order fiat. B) I taught that the Constitution is old and needs more liberal interpretation so that more money can be spent buying votes.C) When I do an "END-RUN" around Congress, MY popularity skyrockets because I am telling Congress to "Ingest FECES amd EXPIRE!" There is a similar vulgar version of that UNDERGRADS and TASTELESS PEOPLE USE... D) Congress can do NOTHING TO ME! So why shouldn't I TRAMPLE THEIR TOES and that old out-dated CONSTITUTION at the same time! My Democrats even LIE about IMPEACHMENT to PUMP UP DONATIONS from er people. ******************************************************************************************************* 14. Why won’t you speak out against the Islamist radicals who massacre Christians throughout the Middle East and North Africa? ************ A) I made myself CLEAR in my ghost-written book when I said that if times got hard for Islam and killing got difficult I would help them all I can paraphrased of course. "I will stand with the Muslims...from Audacity of Hope"...the spinmeisters say in fact that I (through Bill Ayers, my ghost autobiographer, MEANT "Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example," when I said "I will stand with them." My college Pakistani American room mates will always be near and dear in my heart. My sponsors were sweet,too. Wish this damned MIND-READER would stop answering the questions so forthrightly and beat around the bush more. These answers are too plain and too truth-laden. I answered many of them on Super Bowl Sunday, February 2, of 2014, anyway. Damn YOU Michael Savage and Damn the Tea Party. I could have accomplished even more. This country MAY bounce back in 20-30 years. I COULD have had 50,000,000 Latinos all over American cities where we Democrats will RULE FOREVER! After November 6, 2014 my amnesty will FINISH THE JOB! If not, I just start more race rioting and declare martial law and use all that ammo to put down the rebellion. Re-posted and re-answered in LEGIBLE FORM Sept 2014. SageOFchappaquaNY

Monday, July 22, 2013

Illinois State Rep. Monique Davis Blames Police For "Killing Some of These Kids" In Chicago.... July 22,2013

Talk about ONE NASTY LIE! She stated, "There’s some suspicion — and I don’t want to spread this, but I’m just going to tell you what I’ve been hearing — they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids."

If she didn't want to spread FILTHY LIES against the same police that try to serve and protect AND PANDER TO HER VOTERS, why would she vocalize a DIRTY LIE like this?

Cannot list people SHOT in "gunfree" Chicago in the last TWO months. About ZERO of shooters caught, but ONE GUY who was acquitted in Florida cannot have a life because a President and lots of "celebrities" want him DEAD. What if they see him with his family? Will the lot of Zimmerman's family be ducking bullets?

FBI cancels counterterror ads deemed offensive to Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A rag magazine's cover photo of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was the subject of countless news stories because people across the ideological spectrum have rightly objected to this magazine’s glorification of the Islamist killer who had NO CONNECTION IN THE LEAST TO MUSIC. MayTBIHWTHour

Then in Seattle, Washington, radical Muslims working with low-life members of the Democratic Party and the low-life ACLU have forced the FBI to take down bus ads depicting photos of 16 of the world’s Most Wanted Terrorists because some people may perceive the jihadists to be Muslims. There is NOTHING IN THE ADS suggesting the 16 are Islamic but low-life members of the Democratic Party and the low-life ACLU MUST have PROFILED the Most Wanted Terrorists and decided they ARE Muslim so they CAN BE OFFENDED where NO OFFENSE has been PROFFERED!!!MayTBIHWTHour toasting marchmallows with MO Man himself.

Sudan again turns off spigot on oil pipeline from the South sending Gasoline PRICES up EVEN THOUGH USA wastes money buying oil from Mexico, Communist Venezuela CITGO and Canada NOT the Middle East...



Bob Avakian, a local Seattle communist, addressed the Travon Martin rally July 22, 2013. Avakian called for more outrage and action.
"People’s outrage must be released." Somebody give this dirtbag a "LARGE BOOT ENEMA"! THAT would release his outrageous HOT AIR WITHIN!

In Seattle Washington, self proclaimed veteran Black Panther Mark Cook addressed the Trayvon Martin rally on Saturday, July 20, 2013. Cook (no E) told the crowd,
"The only way we can end it is by ashes." Somebody dump an ash tray on this...this...



Bomb Discovered At Brazilian Shrine Ahead Of Pope Francis' visit.
It's a Boy! Duchess Catherine Gives Birth to a Son at 11:23 AM Eastern Standard Time who weighed in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Jy 22 at St. Mary's Hospital in London
Christine O'Donnell's Tax Records Improperly Accessed by IRSS....they are SS
7/18/2013 12:29:04 PM Melanie Batley
Tea Party Can't Afford to Mix Messages. GOP "posers" need to be "outed" as the dirty, low-down posers they are. Even Ted Cruz poses as a conservative lately. You would think Trayvon Martin damaged Ted Cruz' HEAD and he went liberal! Need another travesty? Reginald Denny hit in HEAD with BRICK from "Football" who was rioting after the rabble rousers ROUSED rabble in California.

They are the unsung Heroes of the American Revolution, old Tea Party in 1700s and New Tea Party nowadays...GOD Bless the Tea Party and decent candidates they find.

IRS Dysfunction is typical of Big Govt needing FIRING...ALL OF THEM...some refunds NOT even made yet but MILLION$ sent to many at SAME ADDRESS. Did IRS people get this money? No investigation...NO consequences!

Tea Party's Next Mission: Reform Entire Legal System, where their work is PLENTY and hemongus to tackle.

The Lapdog state-owned Media's Tea Party Moments are few and far between. Even Fox News has Juan who necessitates MOST people to need a few beers just to listen to that guy!

IRS Scandal Makes Strange Bedfellows when these ineptuders will administer Obamacare travesty where stupid people do not divide their companies into groups of 49 people for $5 down at the local courthouse.

Forgetting Watergate's Lesson has not hurt Obama because GOP too far gone...also needs FIRING when they favor mass immigration but NOBODY and NO fence at the border. Enforcing the LAWS on immigration would have US catch up with Mexico which DOES ENFORCE ITS IMMIGRATION LAWS, Let's give Mexico's generals $1,000,000 every year EACH but subtract $10,000 for every illegal at the border!! Would the Generals want $50,000 out of a million dollars and DO NOTHING...NO WAY, THEY would keep the illegals OUT so that they would EACH get MOST of the money. US would save $100,000,000 annually in welfare, underground money sent to Mexico, and fewer criminals hurting OUR citizens with rapes, robberies, burglaries and MURDERS! Also fewer lockups costing money in prison at least $ per convict.

Obama Culture of intolerance to opposition spawned a vicious, abusive, NOSY IRS going after anyone with patriot or tea party in its name.

Time for a RINO Rebellion? Most RINO like McCain, Romney and Ted Cruz favor the Democrat Party and need to join it!

Remaking GOP Mustn't Be Self-Defeating as in throwing out 10 and 20% RINO and HOMO who otherwise vote against TRAVESTY.

Dick Morris: Boehner ‘No Longer Speaker of the Republican Majority’since he joined the Democrats more than the Democrats joined the Democrats!

Time for Conservative Leadership found, promoted and ELECTED by Tea Party.

Sarah Palin drops hint of at Third Party fPalin: Obama Speeches on Civility Are 'Nauseating to Me'. She wonders how many other court cases he will stick his nose into. Governors should issue pardons for all accused judged by an Obama remark. Would Obama cease and desist? Maybe...maybe not. He LOVES judging people but never served on a jury himself.

Palin Lays it on Line for Steelman in Missouri...
8/3/2012 11:18:24 AM Newsmax Wires
Palin: GOP Establishment Embraces 'Status Quo' "Down Low".

Palin: Allen West 'Top of my List' for Vice President, will he be in a cabinet in 2016? Or will GOP run another lackluster loser pseudo-conservative like McCain and Romney? GOP sabotaged Goldwater by forcing him to attack civil rights on Juneteenth in the 1960s. Did he wake up with a horse's head in his bed? What did they THREATEN him with. Goldwater took up for a black lady working with his office, he was NO bigot!

'POSH ISLAND RETREAT' planned with Obamas going to Martha's Vineyard amid furloughs, layoffs and IRS running loose with bonuses for doing will of the POTUS while POTUS sics uninformed people on Zimmerman, who pulled people out of upside vehicle wrecked in Florida.

What soul-less down-low with no shame? His adopted daughters living it up while most Americans have "stay-cation" due to high gasoline prices, tolls, red-light cameras, high taxes, bracing for Obamacare high payments with low benefits, death panels, etc. has the SCOOP on the latest Obama vacation. President relaxing among the rich and famous while drastic cuts to the federal budget kick in amid POTUS sequestering releasing 2000 illegals but only 20 or 30 were dangerous criminals.

Obese Woman on Roller Coaster who was so huge that her seat belt did not lock properly Could Have Been Obama's… beard but Jesse Jackson recommended Michele Robinson, a family friend. Jesse late stated that he would like to cut off Obama's "onions". Why? Jesse wanted his group to get favorable donations and was FROSTED when they did not soak taxpayers getting money from the government.

George Zimmerman rescues family of four from FLIPPED OVER truck crash ...well, Limbaugh DID mention. Z not listed on police report because he did not SEE the crash, arrived quickly and helped until others could. Z was essentially a FIRST RESPONDER, jumping in when NOBODY else was there last week to rescue an unidentified family trapped in an overturned vehicle on a Florida highway, police said Monday, July 22, 2013.





Friday, March 29, 2013

Was it not strange that Hillary Rodham Clinton suddenly announced to the world that she liked Al Jazzera?  At the time, last year, the gullible public just thought,"Another sick,twisted Democrat holding hands with the folks who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11/2001!  Perverse but predictable...or we can't be bigots, if Al Jazeera is the best, we should watch them.  Nevermind, reporters always bias the news, to make the boss happy AKA job security."  Now that Al Gore has profited $70 to $100 million$ from selling his network CurrentTV to Al Jazzeera...WE KNOW HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON WAS JUST PROMOTING Al Jazeera....AND her buddy Al Gore.
Now that Al Gore is facing a LAWSUIT over the sale because his ALLY (friend,croney,business associate) ORIGINATED the IDEA to sell to Al Jazeera. John Terenzio, a "media consultant, executive and producer of television programming" mentioned in official court documents, is suing for $5 million, claiming he first conceived of selling CurrentTV to Al Jazeera.  Paperwork for the lawsuit has been filed in San Francisco, coincidentally Ninth Circus Court country, where Gore's network is currently headquartered. John Terenzio wants full credit for the concept AND a relatively small commission, compared to Al Gore's gotten gains.  Of course, if the Federal Communication Commission stepped in and cancelled the deal due to mounting propaganda or Al Jazeera getting too big as to constitute a monopoly...they both lose.  That is not very likely because Time Warner and possibly others would have to contest the transaction.  They do not feel threatened by the "merger".

No doubt, many are wondering HOW the son of a fiddle-playing Tennessee teacher---could build a financial empire---and STILL lose the Presidency of These United States.  Obviously, Bush, the bonehead---fooled the Democrats AND CHEATED in the election since Gore had the popular vote.  Nevermind, Bush the "W", had zillions more COUNTY votes, while Gore mostly, the over-populated city vote.  Maybe big cities have an unfair monopoly on votes?  THAT is precisely why the Founding Fathers made the Electorial College the true deciding factor, and a fair and impartial Supreme Court refused in 2000, to allow the Florida Democrat Supreme Court to GIVE the election to Gore!  Recall, that Gore HAD CONCEDED the loss BUT his lawyers persuaded him to TRY to weisel-win the election on legality using the Florida Supremes AND a "Mickey Mouse hanging-chad" recount, Democrats manipulated.

The Muslims of America’ are suing Matin J. Mawyer of‘Christian Action Network’ for $15 million$ for exposing their terrorist training camps around the United States.

Kerry Picket of the Washington Times scooped all others that 57 top US Muslim groups fired off a letter to White House “Assassination Czar” John Brennan demanding that the Obama administration establish a task force with these same organizations to “purge” (their word) US government counter-terrorism training of views them deem offensive.(1)

Cow-cowing to these demands, Picket states:

          By 2011, Obama’s      ..........Counterterrorism and ..........Deputy national security ..........advisor John Brennan was ..........urged by Muslim, Arab, and ..........South Asian organizations begin an “independent, ..........effective investigation into ..........the federal government’s of its agents and ..........other law enforcement” and a “purge” of any ..........material that the ..........undersigned organizations ..........deemed unacceptable.

..........In an October 19, 2011 letter to Mr. Brennan, the groups criticize for anti- Muslim bias the FBI’s 2011 training manual, the books at the FBI library in FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia, specific FBI trainers and analysts, and a report made by Army Command and General Staff at the Fort Leavenworth School of Advanced Military Studies.

    The letter (5) makes references to a September 2011 Wired Magazine piece by Spencer Ackerman. The letter was also sent to Attorney General Eric Holder, Department of Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta, FBI Director Robert Mueller, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, and Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough..Folks would LOVE to hear the telephone or see the Emails between these principals about this.  HMM no need to ask "The Boss." He probably told the 57 to write the letter and to whom it should be sent, saving him the bother. (5)

Seeking to exploit the Benghazi embassy tragedy on September 25, 2012 President Barack Obama made hot-air claims that a certain relatively unknown anti-Muslim online video was used as an excuse to violently attack the United States through its embassy, when he addressed the General Assembly at the United Nations and denounced the film trailer. This brought it to the forefront in everyone's curiosity.  What could have possibly been so offensive as to provoke beating, torture,rape, more torture onto death, then repeated rape of the corpse of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Of course, Obama omitted all the gory details and focused blame on the video, in spite of the fact that it was in ENGLISH and required a COMPUTER WITH AN ONLINE CONNECTION TO VIEW. This focus provoked leaders of Islamic nations led by Pakistan at the UN to demand that anti-blasphemy laws be established. Later, in October, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a group of Islamic countries with 56 member states.  Also reported was Islamic Association of Australia president Muhammad Wahid voicing the need for laws that prevent the “mocking of religion”.
But, these "thought police laws" do not work in any of the countries that have them.

In Karachi, Pakistan, on September 21, Muslim rioters told  to protest the anti-Islam video got over-excited and ransacked a Hindu temple in the district of Hindu Goth so they,themselves, have a case brought against them using the same blasphemy law. The victims filed a case under Section 295A, which covers the “outraging of religious feelings”. However, the authorities were reported as “simply considering the case” ,i.e. "sitting on their hands" and none of the rioters were apprehended. Justice apparently is not as quick for those who are in the minority.

 Australian people told their representatives to argue strongly against any such restrictions on free speech. They added that any actions otherwise are a betrayal of the country that they are pledged and paid to serve. Many stated that blasphemy laws have no place in the 21st century; they are a relic of the medieval period being drudged up by religious zealots.(3)

A similar incident In Egypt involved a prominent Muslim television preacher and his son tore and burned a Bible as their part in a protest against the anti-Islam video outside the American Embassy in Cairo and was charged with blasphemy. Proudly remorseless for his deeds and apparently unconcerned about being charged with blasphemy over a Bible, the Muslim preacher stated emphatically that he would do it again, verbally positioning himself to be a martyr. (4)

On February 6,2013, in his own online video, the Egyptian Salafi Ahmad Mahmoud Abdullah, known as “Abu Islam”, also held that raping and sexually harassing women protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square is justified, calling them “crusaders” who “have no shame, no fear and not even feminism.”
Several groups were livid over 25 female protesters subjected rape and harassment in Tahrir Square during protests marking the second anniversary of the revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak and empowered an Islamist government.
(4) Quite possibly, Representative Anthony Weiner of New York, former Gov. James McGreevey of New Jersey, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York, former Representative Eric J. Massa of New York, President Bill Clinton and former Senator John Ensign of Nevada. -- Weiner, Spitzer, **Clinton displayed a certain look and never had remorse for his actions to Juanita Broaddrick in the Camelot Hotel on April 25, 1978.(7).**







(7) which has been replaced with Japanese about breast tenderness during pregnancy.  Cute swap.MYBIHWTH.

    Clockwise from top left, Representative Anthony Weiner of New York, former Gov. James McGreevey of New Jersey, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York, former Representative Eric J. Massa of New York, President Bill Clinton and former Senator John Ensign of Nevada. -- Weiner, Spitzer, Clinton Had a Certain Look -

Let no crisis go unexploited, and some of a necessity, will be allowed or staged in the event no crisis appears.

Vanderleun calls it “The Look of Loathe,” commenting that “Once you can fake shame, the rest is easy.”

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill began noticing changes in national security protocol immediately thereafter, as many were mystified that the Fort Hood shooting was classified as “work place violence” and American officials did not want to say that Arid Uka, the 21-year-old Albanian Kosovar who screamed “Allahu Akbar” before he shot four and killed two U.S. servicemen on a bus in Frankfurt, Germany, was a terrorist.

Congressman Dan Lungren, California Republican, in December of 2011 posed questions to Paul N. Stockton, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, at a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee. The discussion went on for several minutes but, Paul N. Stockton would not say the United States was “at war with violent Islamist extremism.” Similarly, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, noticed the same omission in May of 2010, when he questioned Attorney General Eric Holder at a House judiciary hearing concerning radical Islam.

The FBI training manual changed. Nearly 900 pages of training that was considered offensive were deleted. Members like Congressman Allen West, Florida Republican, and Congressman Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, were critical of the purge.

Gohmert discusses that the FBI training manual can no longer mention the terms: Islam, Muslim, jihad, enemy, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, caliphate, Shariah law.

Truth be told, 86% of ALL income tax is paid by the top 25%, the top 1% pay 39% which is up from 37% when Bush was inaugurated in the year 2000.
The top 50% of U.S. wage earners pay 97% of all the income taxes.  This means that the bottom half pay 3% which is lower than most state sales taxes. 

Saudi Arabia execution beheadings have made it into the news lately.   

The U.N. said the seven thieves were reportedly accused of organizing a criminal conspiracy, armed robbery, raiding and breaking into jewelry stores in 2005.  They were executed on March 13,2013 and all may have wanted to be executed back in 2005 considering the detention and torture/confessions aspect.

Not to be suggesting that that be applied to Saudi diplomats who have 367 unpaid parking fines in Britain alone, but wasting tickets is wasting paper which is wasting trees.  Why not list their auto tag numbers so the meter maids can skip the scrawl?  Since the U.N. is in New York City, a place known for parking problems almost as much so as some universities, why not list them there as well, or simply TOW them away.  Can you picture someone in long flowing robes riding a bicycle to the New World Trade Center?  Perhaps they could take the boat since the NWTC is next to the East River.

Saudi Arabia punishes over half of its overll "criminals" from its foreign national population of maids,house boys,nannies,etc.  This is the group least likely to have the money resources for a defence, and the least social standing, many being Christians and other non-Muslims.

It has been noted that output per worker varies enormously across countries. Why? On an accounting basis, our analysis shows that differences in physical capital and educational attainment can only partially explain the variation in output per worker we find a large amount of variation in the level of the Solow residual across countries. At a deeper level, we document that the differences in capital accumulation, productivity, and therefore output per worker are influenced by differences in institutions and government policies, which economists term social infrastructure. Economists treat social infrastructure as endogenous, determined historically by location and other factors captured in part by language and social mores.  Some countries or States, share the oil revenue with the inhabitant native population.

BTW, in August 2004, only the six countries of Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Serbia-Montenegro, and Vietnam did not have normal trade relations.  This is the equivalent of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status with the United States, even though many countries were not in the World Trade Organization (WTO).  Russia and Saudi Arabia are perhaps the most prominent non-members. (6)(7)

In United Arab Emerates (U.A.R.), an official in the ultra-conservative kingdom said that sword-bearing executioners “are not readily available everywhere and on some occasions, executions were marred by confusion as the executioner was late in showing up at the designated public place”.

The unnamed bureaucrat told the daily Al Youm that due to fast, easy digital communication, an executioners’ tardiness was “causing confusion and sparking speculation and rumours through modern technology”. His statement a remark inferred perhaps that there is public opposition.

In regards to possiple reform, a special inter-ministerial committee was investigating a change to a method that utilized for centuries and which Islamic scholars in Saudi Arabia claim is based on the Koran or Quran.

There was offered no specific reason for the shortage of executioners, but firing squads have occasionally been used in the past, and the committee has reportedly found that it “does not constitute a religious violation” even though firearms were uncommon when the Koran came to be and may not be mentioned at all in the Koran.

Regional governors have been given the option of the firing squad should sharia (Islam) courts not specifically name beheading as the method.

However the inter-ministerial committee seems to have rejected reformists recommendations within Saudi Arabia to utilize US-style lethal injection for execution in prisons.

The Saudi government so far has no comment on the reports.

The only place in the world that still decapitates criminals, Saudi Arabia is the kingdom or country among the few that stage public executions. But they sell no tickets. In rare instances beheaded corpses are placed on a cross for three days as an extra deterrent.

Executioners weild a traditional scimitar of three and a half to four feet length. The condemned man or woman, blindfolded, is dressed in white garb, and forced to kneel in the direction of Mecca.  The woman's head is probably still covered.  There is no basket to catch the head as when guillotines made executions in France many years ago.

Giving a rare interview in 2003, Mohammed Saad al-Beshi, an executioner, said that decapitation officially is one chop of the large heavy, sharp sword.

“I look after it and sharpen it once in a while, and I make sure to clean it of bloodstains. It’s very sharp. People are amazed how fast it can separate the head from the body,” al-Beshi stated to Arab News.

Saudi Arabia’s rulers faced vociferous international condemnation in 2011 for beheading Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan maid who allegedly choked to death a baby she was caring for.
Other countries probably thought it was "crib death" when babies expire and there is no autopsy to determine the cause of death.  These are the least expensive maids, usually going for around U.S. $300 (or 9,000 baht) a month or RP 9,000 when maids of other countries contract for up to RP 35,000. Visitors at a certain site will think this is a slave purchase!

As for how many nannies country by country, The New Paper of Bangkok. Thailand, has determined that Sri Lanka is the fifth biggest source of maids for Saudi Arabia, after Indonesia (103,000), the Philippines (70,000), India (15,000) and Myanmar (10,000).

In abject horror, Sri Lanka banned women under 25 from applying for employment in Saudi Arabia after authorities beheaded a 24-year-old maid in January of 2013.  She had allegedly smothered the child in 2005 after an argument with the child's mother.  Another account says baby was strangled.(1)

"As a first step, we are raising the age limit (on women going abroad to work as maids) to 25," stated Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella of Sri Lanka.

"We will gradually move towards a total ban on our women going abroad to do low-paying jobs," Rambukwella added, as reported in The New Paper on Monday, January 28,2013.

The new rules are confusing for many seeking maids not so difficult for house boys. (3)

After confining the lady to prison apparently without a trial, the kingdom authorities in Riyadh beheaded Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafik on January 9 in the town of Dawadmy.  She was a teen of 17 when the baby died. (2)

Amnesty International claims the passport Rizana Nafeek used to enter Saudi Arabia in May 2005 listed February 1982, as her date of birth but her actual birth certificate had 1988, which would have made her only 17 years old at the time of the child’s death. (2)

Condemned women in Saudi Arabia were executed by firing squad until the 1990s, when the kingdom authorities insisted condemned women should be beheaded as are the men.

Recently, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has executed 70 to 80 people per year, and is among the top five countries to enforce the death penalty, along with China, Iran, North Korea and the United States. 

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the largest variety of crimes punishable by death, including murder, rape, sodomy, robbery, theft (after four offences), false prophecy and witchcraft.  Oddly enough, one of these crimes is a traditional "insult" for homosexuals found to be living or still warm after being murdered in Libya and it is not robbery or theft.  The last two are very controversial in upwards of 100 countries.

Apparantly these seven men beheaded in Saudi Arabia either offended in a BIG way before "bagging" their limit of four thefts. (5)

The high level deliberations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia came belatedly for Khaled bin Hamad, who was decapitated in the first three months of 2013, according to the official Saudi Press Agency, for knifing to death another male during an altercation or heated argument. Khaled bin Hamad became the 18th person to the executed in the country in 2013. In several countries, such a killing is second or third degree murder and fetches prison time.

Modest reforms have been introduced under the rule of King Abdullah, such as women being given the vote in future municipal elections which is the only public polls or chance to vote publically in the kingdom.  In 2009, a further education institute (A high school or college) became the first co-educational education institution to open its doors to women in spite of strong clerical opposition.  Apparently there are one sex-only educational institutions in most of 50 plus Islam countries and very few co-educational with BOTH sexes under the same roof.  Perhaps there would be fewer teacher/student scandals in the West if more schools were not co-educational.  Problem is, teachers would most likely be required to be one sex, the same one as all the students, which would not bode well with teachers' unions.

The official Saudi New agency, SPA issued a statement on behalf of the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior leading off with a Quranic verse from the chapter "The Table Spread."

"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter."
The U.N. special rapporteur (reporter?) on torture, Juan E. Mendez, said there are also grave concerns that the seven male (alleged) thieves were tortured during detention and forced to sign confessions.

"This is not the only in breach of Saudi Arabia's international obligations under international law, which imposes an outright prohibition on torture, it is also in breach of the government's international obligation under the Convention against Torture that explicitly forbids the use of all forms of torture for the purpose of extracting confessions or acquiring information," Juan E. Mendez stated.










Is this evidence of "prudery"?Saudi Arabia closed 100 lingerie shops with male sales staff by 16 Sep 2012.  Choices narrowed to "out-grown tighty whities and boxer shorts" found in the residence?

They want the trade so Ikea airbrushed women out of Saudi catalogue by 01 Oct 2012.   

    Wadjda director in 03 Sep 2012 stated Saudi women 'have to fight'. 

HMM.  Appears early bicycle design allowed for rider's dress since crossbar would allow knees and ankles to be seen which was not socially acceptable.

    Saudi Arabia foils 'terror cells'
    26 Aug 2012

Rand Paul: We Have (STINKIN') 'De Facto Amnesty’

Report: Obamacare Pushes Premiums Up 200%....then many notice $10,000 deductable that causes them to cancel the pricey soak-the-rich insurance.  Then there is the matter of the FINE which gives you NO coverage which has dubious, arbitrary value anyway.  The important thing is that the government gets the money, other people get the use of the insurance.  Your office is calling Supreme Court Justice Roberts saying,"Hell is over-heating while you keep it waiting for your sorry rear end."

The first Saudi Arabian woman to direct a feature film, Haifaa Al Mansour hailed by some as a pioneer.  Waad Mohammad,  plays the lead in her film Wadjda, and Abdulrahman Al Gohani is featured.

"Wadjda", debuted in the Middle East with a gala screening at the Dubai International Film Festival attended by Haifaa along with child stars Waad Mohammad and Abdullrahman Al Gohani who play lead roles in the film.

"Wadjda", Haifaa Al Mansour's film, has German funding and a $100,000 (Dh367,320) prize from the former Abu Dhabi-based Middle East International Film Festival in 2006,  uncovers the role of women in Saudi society, a place where cinema theatres are banned.  Perhaps drawing a bit on the popularity of "Slumdog Millionaire", Waad, a tall, thin girl, plays the title character who is a fiesty and rebellious sub-teen who enters a local Quran-reading competition, intending to spend the prize money to buy herself a bicycle.  They are depicted in western attire with a bicycle. (8)

Wadjda is the first film to have been entirely filmed within Saudi Arabia mostly in the home and at school but in some public areas,Haifaa Al Mansour had to direct from her production van via walkie-talkie to avoid being seen.

Other controversial people include:

Adonis, Rukhsana Ahmad, Yasser Alaskary, Meena Alexander, Hugh Beach, John Berger, Phillip Bobbit, Aaron Breitbart, Richard Burge, Nelcya Delanoe, Mitchell Cohen, Timothy Garton Ash, Paul Gilroy, Ralph Giordano, Todd Gitlin, Danny Glover, Günter Grass, Susan Griffin, Shusha Guppy, Denis Halliday, David Hare, David Hayes, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Faleh Jabar, Ghada Karmi, Muqtedar Khan, Satish Kumar, John le Carré , Sonja Linden, Frederico Mayor, Ian McEwan, Patrick Mono, Edwin Morgan, Ahmad Mukhtar, Friedemann Müller, Njabulo S. Ndebele, Ernst Nolte, Bahman Nirumand, Joseph Nye, Ben Okri, Nuha Al-Radi, Anita Roddick, Alexander Rondeli, Jacqueline Rose, Salman Rushdie, José Saramago, Donald Sassoon, Roger Scruton, Bapsi Sidhwa, Hazhir Teimourian, Sulak Sivaraksa, Lindsay Waters, Eyal Weizman, Arnold Wesker, Andreas Whittam-Smith, Judith Williamson

Mombasa, Zanzibar (now Zambia)  was where Barack Barry Soerto Harrison J. Bounel Hussain Obama was born.   Zimbabwe,  Chad, Haiti, Gaza Strip,Liberia,Congo, Democratic Republic of the blood jewels,Sierra Leone,where British freed the slaves captured on ships,Suriname,Nigeria,Mozambique,Swaziland,Burundi,Niger,Comoros,Honduras,Rwanda,Guatemala,Namibia,Malawi,Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe,Tajikistan,South Africa,Kenya, Madagascar, sounds like Al Gore got drunk and named it,Eritrea,Lesotho where jeans are made, Nicaragua,Cameroon,Burkina Faso,Guinea,Djibouti,Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast, sounds like it had elephants)Yemen,Djibouti,East Timor,Angola,Sudan,Bangladesh,Mauritania,Kyrgyzstan,Benin,Mali,Mongolia,Tanzania,Papua New Guinea,Ethiopia,Peru,Venezuela,Afghanistan,Ukraine,General Yoweri Museveni rules Uganda, Belize,Ecuador,Phillipines, Burma (Myanmar),Western Sahara,
Cambodia,Togo,Georgia,Bolivia, El Salvador, Botswana, Dominica,
Turkmenistan,Argentina,Cape Verde,Virgin Islands,Macedonia, Vatican City (Holy See),Republic ofLaos,Lebanon,Uruguay,Armenia,Uzbekistan,Panama,Ghana,Fiji,Nepal,Moldova,Brazil,India,Romania,Iraq,Tonga,Pakistan,Israel,Egypt,Anquilla,Guam,Bhutan,Spain,Estonia,Mexico,Iran,Portugal,Sri Lanka,Algeria,Bulgaria,Slovakia,
Greece,Vanuatu,Trinidad and Tobago,Turkey,Trinidad,Croatia,
Poland,Maldives,Japan,Morocco,United Arab Emirates,Bermuda,Paraguay,Chile,Korea,South,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Belgium,Costa Rica,Germany,Jamaica,Jordan,
Russia,Ablania,Slovenia,Syria,United Kingdom,Hungary,Indonesia,
Denmark,United States,Azerbaijan
Switzerland,France,Austria,Malasia,Lithuania,China,Taiwan,UruguaySerbia and Montenegro,Andorra,
Kazakhstan,Tuvalu,South Sudan,
St. Vincent & The Grenadines,Scotland,Wales,St. ,Liechtenstein,Luxembourg,Cyprus,Guinea-Bissau,Gabon,Kitts & Nevis,Palau,Nauru,Northern Ireland,North Korea,Marshall Islands,Micronesia,Central African Republic,Equatorial Guinea's Teodoro rules.

Humphrey Bogart,Cary Grant,Marlon Brando,James Stewart,Alfred Hitchcock,Albert Dekker,Alan Menkin,Alan Ladd,Jr.,Alan Hale,Alan Curtis,Alice Brady,Lake,Terry,Calhoun,Faye,White,Allan Dwan,Ludden,Andy Clyde,Devine,Garcia,Griffith,Ann-Margaret,Sothern,Ann B. Davis,Blythe,Rutherford,Sheridan,Dvorak,Harding,Miller,Anna Lee,Magnani,May Wong,Q.Nillson,Bancroft,Baxter,Francis,Jeffreys,Anthony Kellerman,Hopkins,Mann,Perkins,Quinn,Alyssa Milano,Kelly Osbourne,






Briton killed in Uganda 'feared his life was in danger...'11 Mar 2013...Was that the photojournalist recently killed by Muslims?

march 2013 Briton killed in Uganda "ONLY" 55,586 hits

Saudi Arabia executes seven men in public by firing squad13 Mar 2013

Nigeria jihadists killed a British hostage ‘in cold-blooded murder’.

Foreigners who are frequently abducted by armed groups and criminal gangs for ransom in Nigeria’s oil-rich southern delta, have become increasingly targeted by individuals who have given up the 419 Internet Scam for violent crime in the country’s north as the violence has grown.

Bauchi (NIGERIA) Police Chief Mohammed Ladan said gunmen attacked a police station and a prison overnight before raiding the construction firm’s compound. They got more guns at the police station and "thugged up" on reinforcements later at the prison.  Then an overwhelming force attacked the construction worker place for infidel murder victims and kidnap ransom victims to fund more violence.

It is said that oil pipeline owner pays a monthly bribe or faced destruction and major leaks,waste,repairs,violence to repair crew.

In December, 2012, al-Qaeda-aligned group Ansaru claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of a French national who remains missing in Nigeria, probably murdered if not able to get a "sizable" ransom?

Meanwhile, in May, 2012, Muslim gunmen in Kaduna state shot and killed a Lebanese and a Nigerian construction worker, while kidnapping another Lebanese employee who looked valuable or able to supply "drinking cup red".

Later in May, kidnappers shot a German hostage dead during a rescue operation.

Gunmen who authorities say have links to the armed Muslim group Boko Haram, kidnapped an Italian and a British man in 2012 in northern Kebbi State who were later killed during a rescue operation by Nigerian soldiers backed up by British special forces. Boko Haram later denied taking part in that abduction.
The anniversary of the uprising that ended with Gaddafi’s murder on a vehicle hood or worse in October 2011 comes as Libya’s new rulers fight critics yelling,"Same old same old", while screaming for a “new revolution” and accusing them of failing to enable in much-needed reforms.

In Libya on Friday, thousands of people mobbed up in the major cities of Tripoli and Benghazi to celebrate the initial 15 February 2011 protest that ignited the revolt two days later.

The September 11, 2011 "celebration riots" were quelled with bribes, gifts and a show of strength.  As insuffient bribes, gifts, show of strength was evident due to Obama's election/Obama's fear of CIA linkage, and relatively unknown anti-muslim video on Youtube to be blamed, the Benghazi consolate was hit last September 11,2012 by an assault on the US consulate that got US ambassador Chris Stevens "chased" (4) before and after his death" by a homo-loathing mob and three other Americans murdered.  A CNN reporter found Chris Stevens' diary in the rubble, promised secrecy to the family and gave it to his CNN boss for publication/assimulation. (2) Anderson Cooper admited that CNN found Chris Stevens’ journal inside US consulate in Libya and that “the source also mentioned (Stevens) being on an al Qaeda hit list." And," We reported what we found newsworthy in the ambassador’s writings. A reporter followed up on what we found newsworthy, as I said, in the ambassador’s writings.”(2)

A Chicago reporter asking around found a Serbian consulate employee who explained at length that the brutal sodomizing of Christopher Stevens’ corpse was a Muslim action showing the tiptop“utmost disrespect to the body” and that this is “a great insult in Islam” reserved strictly for homosexuals.  ”It is like making him a woman in death and he will be a woman now after life”, said the Serbian.  The reporter did not ask but stated that there was a likelihood that this guy was Muslim and homosexual.  This, the reporter stated, was more than stunning since he stated, matter-of-factly, without any apparent anger at all in his voice that Muslims in Libya brutally murdered the American ambassador Stevens and then sodomized his corpse.  His final word was, “He should not have gone there,” (1) as if Stevens had blundered into a cave full of bears wearing "female-bear-in-heat" cologne.


Video of Stevens last minutes was on the internet.  Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya spent the last two decades in foreign service and was an uncloseted homosexual. Stevens was a career diplomat who spoke Arabic and French and had already served two tours in Libya. Stevens was confirmed as ambassador to Libya by the U.S. Senate some of whom knew he was a homosexual and thought it was OK because "Laurence of Arabia" was also a homosexual. (5)






Feel it...maybe you can prove it...whitey! or YT!

Pamela Geller led with a quote from a British photojournalist who seems to have "seen the light."
1000 or more European Jihadists: The Latest Export noted by Soeren Kern of the Gatestone Institute March 21, 2013

    "I ended up running for my life, barefoot and handcuffed, while British jihadists -- young men with south London accents -- shot to kill. And not a Syrian in sight. This wasn't what I had expected." — John Cantlie, British photographer

Soeren Kern was reporting on European Jihadists: The Latest Export , Gatestone Institute March 21, 2013 (1)

Well over 1,000 Muslims from just about every nation in Europe are currently active as Islamic jihadists, or holy warriors, venturing to Syria, which has replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia as the primary destination for militant Islamists desiring immediate combat experience with little or no official scrutiny from the host country.  Syria does not seem to be at all concerned that these "vectors" could return to their infiltrated adopted host country for what some people would consider treasonous tretchery against their "chump" country. After all they have their hands full fighting with "loyalists of the  But what are a few bombs and murders, when their "freedom" is at stake.  These European Jihadists must be allowed to return, or they might sue and get a liberal judge to award them a king's ransom for their "rights" being infringed upon!

Naturally, if any of these "freethinkers" should choose to come to the United States, they will be welcomed with open arms.

Even as the number of European jihadists in Syria grows exponentially, some European officials who are not mental dwarfs,  are beginning to express concerns about the threat these "enemies from within" will be when they return to infest Europe.

Foreign Secretary William Hague  Britain, of Great Britain, recently said, "Syria is now the number one destination for jihadists anywhere in the world today. This includes a number of individuals connected with the United Kingdom and other European countries. They may not pose a threat to us when they first go to Syria, but if they survive, some may return ideologically hardened and with experience of weapons and explosives."(2)  Mr. Hague was quick to point out "the good riddance factor" of these British jihadists fighting the Assad regime in Syria but said,"if they survive some may return ideologically hardened and with experience of weapons and explosives."(4)

As for Israel, enlightened authorities have decided that syran refugees will not ne allowed to cross into Israel, shutting down that jihadist opportunity for mayhem. (3) Israel is immune from the bigot label since many Israelis are Muslims, even those in the Israeli Army.  They even accepted Rohm Emmanual from Chicago, Illinois. 

Although Hillary Rodham Clinton has claimed she has distant Jewish relatives and allegedly tried to enlist in America, she has never tried to join the Israeli Army.  She has professed to like Al jazzeera (5) but has not commented on Pravda or the incidious RT which is "Russia Today", receptor of alleged Benghazi leaks which appear to be a coverup.  Nobody seriously thinks the anti-Muslim video was MORE responsible than the 9/11 anniversary for the riot that snuffed out four American lives, drew no protection and later led to Hillary Rodham Clinton "falling on her sword".  She has little inclination to "do the right thing" anyway as that would run up hard "against her grain" and would be succinctly out of character for her.

At least, Jabhat al-Nusra, a radical jihadist group is blacklisted by the US.  Of course, it is difficult to know who is a member of (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra when Muslims on jihad sport no uniforms nor arm patches designating them as (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra.  So if a few slip into the US because their passport is originally a European country, accidents will happen.  Stupid people will always allow the misfits of the world into America.  If they cannot fly in directly, they will wander in from Mexico or Canada.

Three other hardline Islamist groups are operating in rebel Syrian territory being Ahrar al-Sham, Fijr al-Islam and Liwa Tawhid, although (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra  takes the lead. Currently, some of these are establishing Sharia law and giving away and selling bread for Syrian money. At the same time as the bread-providing, generous doses of propaganda are dealt out in interviews with Western reporters.(6)
Rumors circulate that Russia supplies free small arms, Switzerland sold grenades to United Arab Republic which showed up in Syria (7) , and the US has supplied CIA organizers so the rebels are not so despotic and disorganized.  The Washington (Com)Post reported that the “U.S. is at Syria’s Turkish border, sending more spies and diplomats to advise the rebel forces in their mismatched fight against the better armed Syrian regime” (8)

The Obama administration sent CIA officers to find biological and chemical weapons in Syria but they found no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).(10)
British authorities believe that more than 100 British Muslims have gone to fight in Syria in the hope of overthrowing the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and replacing it with an Islamic state featuring Sharia Law.

Many of the British Muslims in Syria have joined extremist groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra, the most dangerous and effective Sunni jihadist group fighting against the Assad regime. Jabhat al-Nusra, linked to al-Qaeda, was declared a terrorist organization by the United States in December 2012. Due to a steady flow of money and arms from backers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Sunni Muslim countries, the group has grown in size and influence.

A nasty Australian rumour is that the Saudis and Kuwaitis are doing nothing for the Muslims in Syria and that they jointly paid the USA $50 billion American to war with the Iraqis.

 Muslims from America fighting alongside jihadists in Syria? And Algeria? At least a few.

We know Muslims in America have been given the green light by Obama to fund the Syrian jihad and we know Muslims from the U.S. are in Syria aiding the jihadists. (11)(12)

Muslims from Canada, GB and France led the mass jihad slaughter Amenas, Algeria gas plant in which at least 38 workers died.  Algerian militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar may have been involved since he formed a terrorist cell called al-Mouwakoune Bi-Dima ("Those Who Sign with Blood") and threatened both France and Algeria.  A video posted online in December, 2012,when Belmokhtar allegedly "split" from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Belmokhtar also pledged his loyalty to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri, without mentioning the AQIM leadership. So he serves two masters or three if one counts Saul  Alansky's.(14)

A Muslim from USA got 35 years prison sentence for his part in the Mumbai (Bombay,India) jihad slaughter of 2008. He was part of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group for no apparent reason.(13)















Eddie Murphy over-paid Forbes
Drew (De Do Be Do) Barrymore
Eddie Murphy Bottom Line $2.30 per buck earned.
2. Katherine Heigl
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Jack Black
6. Nicolas Cage
7. Adam Sandler
8. Denzel Washington
9. Ben Stiller
10. Sarah Jessica Parker
11; Will (We KNEW he was over-paid wondered how became a Sat Niter much less film star) Ferrell
Blanda Eggenschwiler, Joe Jonas,Beyonce,Kim Khloe Kardashian,Kanye,Kris Humphries,Avi Snow,Robert Pattinson,Kristen Stewart,Lindsey Vonn,Tiger Woods,Amanda Bynes,Jeff Gordon, Salena Gomez,Justin Bieber,Sean Lowe,LeBron James,Pink,Kate Upton,Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Regina King,Emilia Clarke,Seth McFarlane,Ryan Seacrest,Julianne Hough,Katy Perry,John Mayer,Ryan Gosling,Nicki Minaj,Christian Bale,Harrison Ford,'Lil Bub,Jessica Chastain,Miley Cyrus,Steve Carell,Jennifer Aniston,James Cameron,Johnny Depp,Vince Vaughn,Taylor Swift,Hugh Jackman, Shia LaBeouf,Tom Cruise,Ben Stiller,Daniel Craig,Vin Diesel,Vince Vaughn,Owen Wilson,Angelina Jolie,Brad Pitt,
Jennifer Aniston,Will Smith,Robert Downey Jr.,Taylor Lautner,Leonardo DiCaprio,Desiree Hartsock,Kristin Bell,Lindsay Lohan,Britney Spears,Jennifer JLo Lopez,Ben Affleck,Mel Gibson,Hilary Duff Beer,Stacey Snider,Frances Conroy,Oprah Winfrey , Robert De Niro , Larry King , Al Pacino , Whoopi Goldberg,

Well over 1,000 Muslims from just about every nation in Europe are currently active as Islamic jihadists, or holy warriors, venturing to Syria, which has replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia as the primary destination for militant Islamists desiring immediate combat experience with little or no official scrutiny from the host country.  Syria does not seem to be at all concerned that these "vectors" could return to their infiltrated adopted host country for what some people would consider treasonous tretchery against their "chump" country. After all they have their hands full fighting with "loyalists of the  But what are a few bombs and murders, when their "freedom" is at stake.  These European Jihadists must be allowed to return, or they might sue and get a liberal judge to award them a king's ransom for their "rights" being infringed upon!

Naturally, if any of these "freethinkers" should choose to come to the United States, they will be welcomed with open arms.

Even as the number of European jihadists in Syria grows exponentially, some European officials who are not mental dwarfs,  are beginning to express concerns about the threat these "enemies from within" will be when they return to infest Europe.

Foreign Secretary William Hague  Britain, of Great Britain, recently said, "Syria is now the number one destination for jihadists anywhere in the world today. This includes a number of individuals connected with the United Kingdom and other European countries. They may not pose a threat to us when they first go to Syria, but if they survive, some may return ideologically hardened and with experience of weapons and explosives."(2)  Mr. Hague was quick to point out "the good riddance factor" of these British jihadists fighting the Assad regime in Syria but said,"if they survive some may return ideologically hardened and with experience of weapons and explosives."(4)

As for Israel, enlightened authorities have decided that syran refugees will not ne allowed to cross into Israel, shutting down that jihadist opportunity for mayhem. (3) Israel is immune from the bigot label since many Israelis are Muslims, even those in the Israeli Army.  They even accepted Rohm Emmanual from Chicago, Illinois. 

Although Hillary Rodham Clinton has claimed she has distant Jewish relatives and allegedly tried to enlist in America, she has never tried to join the Israeli Army.  She has professed to like Al jazzeera (5) but has not commented on Pravda or the incidious RT which is "Russia Today", receptor of alleged Benghazi leaks which appear to be a coverup.  Nobody seriously thinks the anti-Muslim video was MORE responsible than the 9/11 anniversary for the riot that snuffed out four American lives, drew no protection and later led to Hillary Rodham Clinton "falling on her sword".  She has little inclination to "do the right thing" anyway as that would run up hard "against her grain" and would be succinctly out of character for her.

At least, Jabhat al-Nusra, a radical jihadist group is blacklisted by the US.  Of course, it is difficult to know who is a member of (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra when Muslims on jihad sport no uniforms nor arm patches designating them as (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra.  So if a few slip into the US because their passport is originally a European country, accidents will happen.  Stupid people will always allow the misfits of the world into America.  If they cannot fly in directly, they will wander in from Mexico or Canada.

Three other hardline Islamist groups are operating in rebel Syrian territory being Ahrar al-Sham, Fijr al-Islam and Liwa Tawhid, although (I'm-a-gonna Jab (yo) hat al-Nusra  takes the lead. Currently, some of these are establishing Sharia law and giving away and selling bread for Syrian money. At the same time as the bread-providing, generous doses of propaganda are dealt out in interviews with Western reporters.(6)
Rumors circulate that Russia supplies free small arms, Switzerland sold grenades to United Arab Republic which showed up in Syria (7) , and the US has supplied CIA organizers so the rebels are not so despotic and disorganized.  The Washington (Com)Post reported that the “U.S. is at Syria’s Turkish border, sending more spies and diplomats to advise the rebel forces in their mismatched fight against the better armed Syrian regime” (8)

The Obama administration sent CIA officers to find biological and chemical weapons in Syria but they found no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).(10)
British authorities believe that more than 100 British Muslims have gone to fight in Syria in the hope of overthrowing the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and replacing it with an Islamic state featuring Sharia Law.

Many of the British Muslims in Syria have joined extremist groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra, the most dangerous and effective Sunni jihadist group fighting against the Assad regime. Jabhat al-Nusra, linked to al-Qaeda, was declared a terrorist organization by the United States in December 2012. Due to a steady flow of money and arms from backers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Sunni Muslim countries, the group has grown in size and influence.

A nasty Australian rumour is that the Saudis and Kuwaitis are doing nothing for the Muslims in Syria and that they jointly paid the USA $50 billion American to war with the Iraqis.

 Muslims from America fighting alongside jihadists in Syria? And Algeria? At least a few.

We know Muslims in America have been given the green light by Obama to fund the Syrian jihad and we know Muslims from the U.S. are in Syria aiding the jihadists. (11)(12)

Muslims from Canada, GB and France led the mass jihad slaughter Amenas, Algeria gas plant in which at least 38 workers died.  Algerian militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar may have been involved since he formed a terrorist cell called al-Mouwakoune Bi-Dima ("Those Who Sign with Blood") and threatened both France and Algeria.  A video posted online in December, 2012,when Belmokhtar allegedly "split" from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Belmokhtar also pledged his loyalty to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri, without mentioning the AQIM leadership. So he serves two masters or three if one counts Saul  Alansky's.(14)

A Muslim from USA got 35 years prison sentence for his part in the Mumbai (Bombay,India) jihad slaughter of 2008. He was part of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group for no apparent reason.(13)















Eddie Murphy over-paid Forbes
Drew (De Do Be Do) Barrymore
Eddie Murphy Bottom Line $2.30 per buck earned.
2. Katherine Heigl
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Jack Black
6. Nicolas Cage
7. Adam Sandler
8. Denzel Washington
9. Ben Stiller
10. Sarah Jessica Parker
11; Will (We KNEW he was over-paid wondered how became a Sat Niter much less film star) Ferrell
Blanda Eggenschwiler, Joe Jonas,Beyonce,Kim Khloe Kardashian,Kanye,Kris Humphries,Avi Snow,Robert Pattinson,Kristen Stewart,Lindsey Vonn,Tiger Woods,Amanda Bynes,Jeff Gordon, Salena Gomez,Justin Bieber,Sean Lowe,LeBron James,Pink,Kate Upton,Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Regina King,Emilia Clarke,Seth McFarlane,Ryan Seacrest,Julianne Hough,Katy Perry,John Mayer,Ryan Gosling,Nicki Minaj,Christian Bale,Harrison Ford,'Lil Bub,Jessica Chastain,Miley Cyrus,Steve Carell,Jennifer Aniston,James Cameron,Johnny Depp,Vince Vaughn,Taylor Swift,Hugh Jackman, Shia LaBeouf,Tom Cruise,Ben Stiller,Daniel Craig,Vin Diesel,Vince Vaughn,Owen Wilson,Angelina Jolie,Brad Pitt,
Jennifer Aniston,Will Smith,Robert Downey Jr.,Taylor Lautner,Leonardo DiCaprio,Desiree Hartsock,Kristin Bell,Lindsay Lohan,Britney Spears,Jennifer JLo Lopez,Ben Affleck,Mel Gibson,Hilary Duff Beer,Stacey Snider,Frances Conroy,Oprah Winfrey , Robert De Niro , Larry King , Al Pacino , Whoopi Goldberg,

Russia Today, March 18th, 2013 or so, released bits and pieces of what are described as highly sensitive emails sent from a fired former Clinton administration staffer to resigned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after the September attacks on the consulate in Benghazi.  The memos were allegedly hacked by a probable wealthy Arab known as "Guccifer."  Did he combine his moniker among Britographers as a "Gucci Mooch" with Saul Aklinsky's dedication to his lord and master,Lucifer because like Alinsky, he cannot serve two masters so chooses Lucifer, the "lovely and Gracious" Archangel mentor of the world's most lonely prophet?

"Guccifer" claims to have filched the emails by gaining unlawful access to the AOL (AKA AWOL bec. early clients of the server found it to be "AWOL" when they wanted a dependable connection and the screen shrunken by "framing".) This was the AWOL account of notorious, Sidney Blumenthal, a former assistant to President Bill Clinton and a legend in his own mind.  If authentic, the emails seem to harbor ill-gotten juicy tidbitical information about the Benghazi attack.  In WankyLeaks fashion the notes were uploaded by Guccifer to a number of hand-picked news outlets and other individuals, including many 2%er and 1%er members of Congress.  Did notorious "Dingy" Harry Reid get a copy?  He is most certainly -BOTH.

"Guccifer" had previously gained illegal entry to an email account associated with former president George W. Bush which bored him silly until he defaced the Facebook page of former Secretary of State Colin (Liberal) Powell.  Other relatives and friends of the Bush family, and a top mangy dog United Nations official were among the highest of the low.
This latest breach comes on the heels of the recent hassle of numerous Hollywood celebrities and high profile irresponsible and negligent political figures of dubious character and distinctly ill repute.

The excerpts of the allegedly leaked Benghazi memos were seen on Brietbart through the curtesy of Russia Today.
Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails were uploaded to Russia Today then the Smoking Gun first scooped the story on March 15th when it announced that Sidney Blumenthal's account had been invaded:

On March 18th, 2013, the Smoking Gun added details for info-starved readers about the contents of the emails and how the information was leaked, including how the hacker came upon the memos sent to infamous Hillary Rodham Clinton and quickly shared some with a wide variety of tainted congressional aides, notorious political figures, and compromised journalists around the globe.

Apparently working weekdays for George Soros, uploading a broadside of weekend e-mail blasts, “Guccifer” passed along four recent memos to Clinton from Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime closer-than-close 64 year-old confidant of the former Secretary of State and former first former lady.

To thwart a trace, Glucifer’s e-mails went to hundreds of recipients, though the distribution lists were dotted with addresses for aides to Senate and House members who are thankfully no longer in office. Many of the addresses to which the Blumenthal memos were dispatched are current although it is not a certainty that is an actual address for the Republican/Democrat shattered liberalmind.  Rove was the best fleck on the Democrat team, invaluable, irreplacible asset to Obama, hand-picking only the dregs of loserdom.

The majority of the e-mail addresses were sent four individual memos that were e-mailed to Clinscum er Clinton by Blumenthal during the previous five months. Each one referenced various developments in Libya, including the September 11, 2012 massacre of the homosexual ambassador and three heteros at the U.S. mission in Benghazi. One designated “Confidential” was addressed to Clinton on September 12, 2012 after the ashes were cooling and the remains of the victims were in the morgue.
As reported by TSG on march 15th, immediately after Blumenthal’s e-mail account was successfully hacked, Glockifer searched it for e-mails sent to Clinton, and further sorted the mail to weed out any attachments such as Word files, included in Blumenthal’s correspondence to Hillscum Clinscum. Most of these hysted documents were memos to Clinton to double and triple her knowledge of foreign policy and intelligence matters.

Although Glucifer seems to have downloaded many attachments, the hacker coyly decided not to send the actual Word files to those on the e-mail list as a security measure since the downloaded files could contain metadata that could signal his true location.  "Glooey" is the prime target of a  federal criminal investigation consisting of at least two contracted computer nerds.  maybe Glucifer is one of them.

In case metadata in the Word files might be telltale, "Glooey" made screen grabs of the new files and e-mailed those to the names on the weekend distribution list so they would get eyestrain trying to fathom the blury text. In addition. the fiendish Glucifer chose the loathed Comic Sans font with a pink soap-looking background when reworking the Word files sent to the Thing by Blumenthal, who is pictured at left with the Things.

Glooey made the weekend e-mails seem to have been sent from the hacked AOL account of the wife of a Hollywood actor we will not name to protect the un-guilty. This strategy, previously used, appears to be another layer of protection to guard the Glooey’s identity.

Glooey’s location remains a mystery. Two IP addresses connected to the hacker’s recent online fun have been traced to the Russian Federation, Smoking Gun has discovered.  This could indicate a Russian source like the BP platform torpedoed scenario and Russian frogman sabotage scenario since hackers, like disinformationalists, go to extremes to obliterate their trail via proxies, IP spoofing, and powerful anonymizing software like Tor from Thor, who really is from overdoing "it".

Glooey did evidence some familiarity with the Russian media in Saturday, March 16th’s e-mail broadside foray. While the most of the would-be and defamed, and compromised journalists to whom Glooey sent the Blumenthal memos are in the U.S., Glooey also dispatched the docs separately to about 24 reporters and reporterettes working for Russian outlets like Pravda, the Moscow Times, The St. Petersburg Times, and the RT news channel.  maybe the cute news anchor who gave Obama "the sign" was included if she is still working.

The memos may reinterate the fears in a briefing when the people are informed via cable that there are ten vicious Islamic militias and wild al-Qaeda groups in Benghazi.
After that, any IDIOT reading 9/11 anniversary on the 2012 calendar could readily see that the consulate was a sitting-duck target and would not survive a coordinated attack and they desperately need extra help. This information goes directly to the office of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who knows she will be blamed for sending aid and has been advised to "stand down", and "don't make waves" that could turn off those "rivers of Arab donations" to the Obama impending election and you have the bold-faced GUILT and culpability of the State Department. This is a very specific warning that they're in trouble, they need help and they see an attack because they are NOT STUPID.  So Clinton not so much as sent an armed drone to annialate the angry mob and defend them.  Hillary decided they would not survive anyway so sent no help of any kind to jeopardize Obama's Middle East tidal wave of campaign contributions.

transcript How the socialist/union/Democrat Mafia Screwed You

Kim Kardashian, Joe Biden, Robert Mueller (FBI Director), Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder (U.S. Attorney General), Charlie Beck (LAPD Chief), Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Jay Z, Beyonce, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Sarah Palin, Hulk Hogan, Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Gore, Kanye West, Kris Jenner, Stacia Hylton (U.S. Marshals Director), Mitt Romney, Tiger Woods, R. Kelly, Jerry Sandusky, Chris Christie, Bill Gates

What is empowering PNAC supremacists who believe in a never-ending ethnic cleansing; while dis-empowering Nationalists in the world, is the USA's shadow government of the trilateral commission, CFR , the Wyoming boys who use the Arab/Israeli conflict for COVER...We should recognize that morality, justice, and rationality are the only road to peace.The power behind the power in USA, George Soros, Karl Rove, Charles Murray, and others will fail miserably Worldwide soon.

Al-Qaeda has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United
Nations Security Council,[5] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Secretary General,[6][7] the Commission of the European Communities of
the European Union,[8] the United States Department of State,[9] the
Australian Government,[10] Public Safety Canada,[11] the Israel
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,[12] Japan's Diplomatic Bluebook,[13]
South Korean Foreign Ministry,[14] the Dutch Military Intelligence and
Security Service,[15] the United Kingdom Home Office,[16] Pakistan,
Russia,[17] the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs,[18] and the
Swiss Government.[19]

PNAC supremacists

Disclaimer: the posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.

Michelle Obama

SSN: 350-60-2302

DOB: 01/17/1964

Phone Number's:   (773) 702-0770 ,  (773) 343-2082 ,  (773) 644-4809

Last *KNOWN* Address: 180 N LA SALLE ST 2200


Previous Addresses:
7436 S Euclid Ave Chicago, IL 60649
5470 S Everett Ave Apt 1S Chicago, IL 60615

Hacker Guccifer leaked the alleged personal finance records of over a dozen of the sorriest, most despicable, rotten U.S. politicians and celebrities including First Lady Michelle Obama, Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Britney Spears. The FBI is investigating.  They put their best men on the case since there have been a few weddings in the F.B.I..

Hillary Clinton
SSN: 353-40-2536
DOB: 10/26/1947
Address: 730 Jackson Pl NW Washington, DC 20503
Previous Addresses:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC 20599
PO Box 2741 Little Rock, AR 72203
1000 S Hayes St Arlington, VA 22202
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW # 214 Washington, DC 20006
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Eric Holder
SSN: 064-42-9025
DOB: 01/21/1951
Address: 4246 50th St NW
Washington, DC 20016
Previous Addresses:
2366 101st St East Elmhurst, NY 11369
7255 15th Pl NW Washington, DC 20012
1201 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20004
54 Wilton Rd, Westport, CT 06880

When Gossip website TMZ first reported the leak on Monday without disclosing the hacking site’s name, the list contained sensitive information for 11 prominent Americans: Celebrities Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Jay-Z and Beyonce, as well as public figures Joe Biden, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck

Some of the devilish details in the hastily thrown together Senate budget:

    It fully replaces the even more hastily thrown together, poorly thought-out sequester which is the $1.2 trillion in automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that started March 1, 2013 with "doom and gloom and blaming GOP for what Democrats had concocted and Obama himself had approved and signed.  The new budget has a split of different spending cuts and new revenue.
    Another ridiculous stimulus porkulous package, this one trashing $100 billion which is aimed at supposedly repairing public schools, roads and bridges which were supposed to be repaired  public schools, roads and bridges much earlier with the $780 Billion package Sen John McCain took a vacation from his give-up campaign---to sign.  He would have crawled over broken glass to sign it---without so much as a quick glance at what was in it.  He will also sign this garbage McCain would have crawled over broken glass to sign it---without so much as a quick glance at what is in it either.  He's not the Number 1 RINO "maverick" for nothing.
    The budget pretends to reduce the deficit to below 3 percent of GDP by 2015.
    The pretentious budget is alledged to include $975 billion in spending cuts, probably to critical governmet functions and $240 billion of the $9.75 TRILLION from defense, — $275 billion bled from Medicare and Medicaid, and $242 billion in estimated imaginary savings on interest payments since cuts almost NEVER happen.
    The $975 billion in new tax revenue comes from from closing tax loopholes to strangle economic and business growth by bleeding pale and ashen the higher income earners who pay 90% of the taxes already.

“Our budget is built on three (nebulous) principles," Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.), said in opening remarks at the Senate Committee Budget markup of the budget on Wednesday.

Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) explained the farcical, spun and glorified ideas she has been lacadasically piddling and goofing off with for at least five years:

"Number one, we need to protect our fragile economic recovery, create jobs, and invest in long-term growth.

So why

Number two, we need to tackle our deficit and debt fairly and responsibly.

So why butcher military research projects already invested in that are still in the pipeline?

And number three, we need to keep the promises we’ve made as a nation to our seniors, our families, and our communities."

So why butcher Medicaid?

In a statement, the White House praised the budget, saying it met President Barack Obama's test of balanced deficit reduction.

"This budget makes tough spending cuts and leaves no sacred cows, but it also makes sure that seniors and the middle class aren’t forced to bear the full burden of deficit reduction by eliminating wasteful loopholes through tax reform,  so that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share," White House press secretary Jay Carney said.
There Go the Democrats---AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

        March 23rd, 22:54

    Current Mood:

    Dismayed at lack of self-fulfiling prophesy and damage after Bully Pulpit "End Is Near" and after laying off 60,000 border patrol (1)before sequester was even in effect Obama and the White House, the Sequester FAILED to make the USA into a Jimmy Carter style malase super recession of post-apocalyptic chaos.(2)

    Obama, using his presidential bully pulpit, grimly portrayed sequester cuts to automatic spending raises“As A Parade Of Instant Horrors – Hellish Waits At Airports, A Quick Cascade Of Private Job Losses Resulting From Voided Federal Contracts, Teachers Immediately Sacked.” In fact---Factchecks made liars of Democrats right away when cuts to raises did not cause wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth. (2)

    Lines at airports were not longer despite global chilling snow, no more job losses than usual, federal contracts did not get voided which would have been illegal and teachers worked as usual although better teachers have always been at risk for getting sacked over teachers not teaching.

    But as usual when the heat is on---some Democrats make CRAZZZY LIES!!!
    The Democrat-authored Obama-signed Sequester is producing automatic federal cuts that are affecting eating habits, says Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the new charwoman, at a recent House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee hearing.

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who got a free ride and FREE FOOD going to Israel with Obama on March 20,2013, had the temerity, the sheer gall -- to suggest that her staffers are going HUNGRY because restaurant food prices have escalated in recent weeks boosting a 8-ounce bowl of Ham and Bean soup at the Cannon Office Building’s carry-out café costs a whopping $2! To make matters worst, there are no soda pop bottles for staffers to redeem to off-set rising food prices like the kid lost in the movie about Coney Island! That kid could scrounge up pop bottles and survive...(3) not so with 21st Century bureaucrat seeking out a living on &$60,000 to $160,000!

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz, new charwoman, has made a lot of mindless comments. In an April 6, 2012 interview on MSNBC, she spoke up in empty-headed opposition to the plan of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to reduce the deficit by $6 trillion in 10 years.(4)

    To make matters worse, if the $2 soup is not to your liking, a gourmet wrap or sliced bread sandwich sells for $5! Word has it that in the Longworth Building’s cafeteria, that high-faluting luxury item, a serving of stuffed chicken, asparagus and mashed potatoes goes for around $7--- according to Fox News research.

    The House side of Congress has restaurants boosting food prices so much that aides are effectively “priced out” of a good meal, (the poor, little creatures!) Debbie Wasserman Schultz said.(5)You dance devinely, Call Me!






    A Chicago reporter asking around found a Serbian consulate employee who explained at length that the brutal sodomizing of Christopher Stevens’ corpse was a Muslim action showing the tiptop“utmost disrespect to the body” and that this is “a great insult in Islam” reserved strictly for homosexuals. ”It is like making him a woman in death and he will be a woman now after life”, said the Serbian. The reporter did not ask but stated that there was a likelihood that this guy was Muslim and homosexual. This, the reporter stated, was more than stunning since he stated, matter-of-factly, without any apparent anger at all in his voice that Muslims in Libya brutally murdered the American ambassador Stevens and then sodomized his corpse. His final word was, “He should not have gone there,” (1) as if Stevens had blundered into a cave full of bears wearing "female-bear-in-heat" cologne.






    Eddie Murphy over-paid Forbes
    Drew (De Do Be Do) Barrymore
    Eddie Murphy Bottom Line $2.30 per buck earned.
    2. Katherine Heigl
    3. Reese Witherspoon
    4. Sandra Bullock
    5. Jack Black
    6. Nicolas Cage
    7. Adam Sandler
    8. Denzel Washington
    9. Ben Stiller
    10. Sarah Jessica Parker
    11; Will (We KNEW he was over-paid wondered how became a Sat Niter much less film star) Ferrell
    Blanda Eggenschwiler, Joe Jonas,Beyonce,Kim Khloe Kardashian,Kanye,Kris Humphries,Avi Snow,Robert Pattinson,Kristen Stewart,Lindsey Vonn,Tiger Woods,Amanda Bynes,Jeff Gordon, Salena Gomez,Justin Bieber,Sean Lowe,LeBron James,Pink,Kate Upton,Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Regina King,Emilia Clarke,Seth McFarlane,Ryan Seacrest,Julianne Hough,Katy Perry,John Mayer,Ryan Gosling,Nicki Minaj,Christian Bale,Harrison Ford,'Lil Bub,Jessica Chastain,Miley Cyrus,Steve Carell,Jennifer Aniston,James Cameron,Johnny Depp,Vince Vaughn,Taylor Swift,Hugh Jackman, Shia LaBeouf,Tom Cruise,Ben Stiller,Daniel Craig,Vin Diesel,Vince Vaughn,Owen Wilson,Angelina Jolie,Brad Pitt,
    Jennifer Aniston,Will Smith,Robert Downey Jr.,Taylor Lautner,Leonardo DiCaprio,Desiree Hartsock,Kristin Bell,Lindsay Lohan,Britney Spears,Jennifer JLo Lopez,Ben Affleck,Mel Gibson,Hilary Duff Beer,Stacey Snider,Frances Conroy,Oprah Winfrey , Robert De Niro , Larry King , Al Pacino , Whoopi Goldberg,

    What is empowering PNAC supremacists who believe in a never-ending ethnic cleansing; while dis-empowering Nationalists in the world, is the USA's shadow government of the trilateral commission, CFR , the Wyoming boys who use the Arab/Israeli conflict for COVER...We should recognize that morality, justice, and rationality are the only road to peace.The power behind the power in USA, George Soros, Karl Rove, Charles Murray, and others will fail miserably Worldwide soon.

    Al-Qaeda has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United
    Nations Security Council,[5] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    Secretary General,[6][7] the Commission of the European Communities of
    the European Union,[8] the United States Department of State,[9] the
    Australian Government,[10] Public Safety Canada,[11] the Israel
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs,[12] Japan's Diplomatic Bluebook,[13]
    South Korean Foreign Ministry,[14] the Dutch Military Intelligence and
    Security Service,[15] the United Kingdom Home Office,[16] Pakistan,
    Russia,[17] the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs,[18] and the
    Swiss Government.[19]

    When Gossip website TMZ first reported the leak on Monday without disclosing the hacking site’s name, the list contained sensitive information for 11 prominent Americans: Celebrities Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Jay-Z and Beyonce, as well as public figures Joe Biden, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck

    Some of the devilish details in the hastily thrown together Senate budget:

    It fully replaces the even more hastily thrown together, poorly thought-out sequester which is the $1.2 trillion in automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that started March 1, 2013 with "doom and gloom and blaming GOP for what Democrats had concocted and Obama himself had approved and signed. The new budget has a split of different spending cuts and new revenue.
    Another ridiculous stimulus porkulous package, this one trashing $100 billion which is aimed at supposedly repairing public schools, roads and bridges which were supposed to be repaired public schools, roads and bridges much earlier with the $780 Billion package Sen John McCain took a vacation from his give-up campaign---to sign. He would have crawled over broken glass to sign it---without so much as a quick glance at what was in it. He will also sign this garbage McCain would have crawled over broken glass to sign it---without so much as a quick glance at what is in it either. He's not the Number 1 RINO "maverick" for nothing.
    The budget pretends to reduce the deficit to below 3 percent of GDP by 2015.
    The pretentious budget is alledged to include $975 billion in spending cuts, probably to critical governmet functions and $240 billion of the $9.75 TRILLION from defense, — $275 billion bled from Medicare and Medicaid, and $242 billion in estimated imaginary savings on interest payments since cuts almost NEVER happen.
    The $975 billion in new tax revenue comes from from closing tax loopholes to strangle economic and business growth by bleeding pale and ashen the higher income earners who pay 90% of the taxes already.

    “Our budget is built on three (nebulous) principles," Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.), said in opening remarks at the Senate Committee Budget markup of the budget on Wednesday.

    Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) explained the farcical, spun and glorified ideas she has been lacadasically piddling and goofing off with for at least five years:

    "Number one, we need to protect our fragile economic recovery, create jobs, and invest in long-term growth.

    So why

    Number two, we need to tackle our deficit and debt fairly and responsibly.

    So why butcher military research projects already invested in that are still in the pipeline?

    And number three, we need to keep the promises we’ve made as a nation to our seniors, our families, and our communities."

    So why butcher Medicaid?

    The White House in a predictably prepared statement, the praised the budget, saying it met President Barack Obama's test of balanced deficit reduction.

This leaves Americans disgruntled and dismayed since we know if the White House LIKES the budget...THAT AIN'T GOOD because it is probably just another Boehner-led cave-in with few real cuts, cuts to raises, and tax hikes that will not affect Obama's rich donors and supporters.  This is especially evoking concern since
the following LIE was issued.

    "This budget makes tough spending cuts and leaves no sacred cows, but it also makes sure that seniors and the middle class aren’t forced to bear the full burden of deficit reduction by eliminating wasteful loopholes through tax reform, so that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share," White House press secretary Jay Carney stated.

This will happen  as usual,"When monkeys fly out of Obama's underwear."


    Listing the Billionaires Who Live In The World's Most Expensive Apartment Building, One Hyde Park complex.

    The owners were some of the first people to buy into the building. The Sheikh paid $64 million for his triplex, which Vanity Fair magazine calls "the best apartment of all."

    Christian Candy reportedly has two apartments that cost $85 million. Nick Candy owns an 11th-floor duplex penthouse.

    In 2010, Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov paid $216 million for a penthouse in the complex. It's the most expensive home ever sold.

    Two apartments worth $43.7 million are owned by Professor Wong Wen Young, said to be the Taiwanese business tycoon Winston Wong Wen Young.

    In April of 2011, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue spent $25 million on a three-bedroom flat in the One Hyde Park complex.

    Mohammed Saud Sultan al-Qasimi is the head of finance for the government of Sharjah which is part of the United Arab Emerate. He reportedly paid $18 million for his apartment in One Hyde Park.

    One apartment (or more) is owned by Russian real-estate tycoon Vladislav Doronin, who is dating supermodel Naomi Campbell.

    Nigerian billionaire Folorunsho Alakija is rumoured to have spent $123 million on several apartments , all supposedly registered under the name Rose of Sharon.

    The wealthiest man in Kazakhstan, Vladimir Kim, a copper magnate with a net worth of $2.3 billion, owns a home in One Hyde Park.

    Rory Carvill is an insurance entrepreneur and chairman of U.K. based R.K. Carvill & Co. Ltd.. He reportedly paid $33.5 million for his apartment and some additional storage space.

    Viktorovna Kharitonina and Viktor Kharitonina own two One Hyde Park apartments that cost $49.8 million. Viktor Kharitonina is thought to be a co-owner of Russia’s largest domestic drugmaker.

    Those desiring a residence in One Hyde Park can check out a 5-bedroom flat that recently came on the market. Going for $101 million, it is said to be the most expensive apartment for sale in London as of March, 2013.

    Read more:

    One Hyde Park was created through a joint venture between high-end real estate developers the Candy brothers and Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the Prime Minister of Qatar.


    Obama: What debt crisis?

    We have NOT YET begin to run up unpayable, unsustainable. ignorant, debt. America's CREDIT RATING has only been down-sized ONCE! All the tax rake-in amounted to $600 BILLION while the annual debt is over $1 TRILLION. Solution: SHUTDOWN ALL NON-ESSENTAIL GOVERNMENT.

    Why did Mark Kelly, former Representative, pick a rifle for which he has yet to do a background check?

    Mark Kelly is a gun regulation advocate and husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and recovered much function. Kelly has explained to the press that he bought an AR-15 rifle in early March, 2013, because he wanted to exemplify just how "easy" it was to buy a so-called "assault weapon."

    However, if that had been his intent, why did he buy a second-hand, traded-in rifle for which he must wait 20 days--and for which he must still complete a background check? Why didn't he buy a new rifle that he could have claimed immediately?

    Kelly may have completed the background check process for the .45 caliber 1911 semi-automatic handgun he bought, but not for the AR-15 rifle. On March 12, 2013, after Breitbart News contacted Diamondback Police Supply, the business where Kelly purchased the two weapons, the store's owner Douglas MacKinlay gave the following statement to the media:

    Security in the building is insane. There are panic rooms, bulletproof glass, and guards trained by British Special Forces, according to Vanity Fair.

    Goracle: Profit not the reason I sold Current TV to Oil-Jazeera.

    It got cold in Zuccotti Park, and the authorities in other Occupy cities ran out of patience with the nasty outlaw jerks.

    There remains income inequality when White House staff women earn, and we use that term loosely, less than men. There will always be bankers charging "Maintenance Fees" on CDs and other financial instruments not renewed on time. Sometimes, just to aggravate people, the bank, esp Bank of America will belayedly send you a notice so you will get angry at being ripped off the Maintenance fee that happens to equal your meager, scrawny, insignificant interest. Banks do not give a rip if it is an IRA, they want to keep all that minescule interest. And people wonder why folks just bury the cash in the backyard. At least it is SAFE without the revolting bull jive of being serviced. We know a fellow who raked in ONE THICK NICKEL for his $10,000 drawing poor interest at BOA the snake of banking. Never heard of anybody wanting to OdduPOOP Bank of America! There is economic injustice in America but OccuPOOPERS want no part of the real deal.

    Although President Clinton happened to preside over America's last chunk of years having of solid economic growth, and his budget deal of 1993 raise DID income taxes on the wealthy. But Clinton also signed off on a giant windfall for affluent Americans called the 1997 reduction in the capital gains rate, the tax paid on profits from the sale of assets such as stocks or real estate.

    Some will move away from Zuccini to protest Bill Clinton either for NOT asking for dates or for asking. Nobody thinks for a minure that Der Slickmeister will be closing his door when anybody is in the room alone with him.

    Democrats hotly hated President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax overhaul raised the capital gains rate from 20 percent to 28 percent, equalizing it with the new top tax rate for earned income of 28%. This was a progressive move, and in the 2013, progressive is the foulest curse word ever uttered because people realize that progressives were the pioneering SCUM that have gotten America into the doldrums, they are the RAT IN THE SUGARBOWL. Since capital gains are claimed disproportionately by the very rich; half of all capital gains have gone to the top 0.1 percent of earners over the past 20 years. His successor, President George H.W. Bush, repeatedly attempted to lower the capital gains rate but was blocked by Senate Democrats.

    Nobody on LOONY LEFT remembers but early in Clinton's second term, he cut a deal to reduce the capital gains rate from 28 percent to 20 percent in exchange for congressional Republicans’ approval of college tax credits. With Clinton having signed off on that reduction, it was easier for his successor, George W. Bush, to take the rate even lower, to 15 percent, boosting home and property sales.

    Last year's low capital gains rate is why billionaire investor Warren Buffett was taxed at only 17 percent last year and why many millionaires paid an effective tax rate of 22.1 percent in 2007, down from 30.8 percent in 1996. The low capital gains rate also set up the “hedge fund loophole,” under which investment managers like George Soros could classify their pay as capital gains, thus having their income taxed at a mere 15 percent.
    Lots of people in the 1960s, '70s and 80s paid 12-15% but they never saw the sunny side of $20,000 as income. As late as 1993-94, many never made $32,000 to get that millionaire tax rate of 17%.

    Capital Gains Taxes are basically taxes on money made from selling a non-inventory based asset for an increased price, that could be a mostly inflation/fluff increase. This applies to non-inventory assets like stocks, bonds, precious metals, and property.

    Capital Gains Taxes are also applied to dividends, which are payments made by a corporation to its shareholder members. There are several companies not to cheap to pay dividends. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, that money can be put to two uses: it can either be re-invested in the business which is called retained earnings, or it can be paid to the shareholders as a dividend. Many corporations sort of "split the difference" to retain a portion of their earnings for growing and expanding and pay the remainder as a dividend.

    So if you own stock in a company that pays dividends, and 4 or 5 do out of 100s of cheapskate companies, you can be taxed on the income those dividends bring you under the capital gains tax to the tune of through the nose and out the wazoo.

    Under the Bush Tax Cuts retained for awhile by Obama, rates for long term capital gains and dividends were 15% for taxpayers in the top four tax brackets. Taxpayers in the 10% and 15% brackets paid no taxes on long-term capital gains IF lucky enough to have stock in a dividends-paying company.

    Occupy COULD PROTEST Barack Obama’s getting lame justification for the high capital gains rate because the economy was good under Bill Clinton. However, the capital gains rate during the Clinton administration fell from 28 percent at the beginning of his Presidency to 20 percent with the signing of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 in August of 1997. NOTABLY, HEADS UP HERE, the economy managed only two years of growth of 4 percent or more in the 10 long years BEFORE the 1997 capital gains cut—but notched three straight years of 4% or better growth in 1997, 1998, and 1999 after the Capital Gains tax was lowered.

    Barack Obama wants to raise capital gains taxes to a rate of 20%. He even stated on CNBC that he would consider raising capital gains up to 25% percent. Obama is SCUM ENOUGH TO RAISE IT T0 98% IF HE COULD. That would hurt the economy and make Obama BEAM a SMILE like an Arkansas river--a mile wide and ONE inch deep!

    And Obama would HAVE to celebrate with yet another of those $920,000 Florida golf outings.

    President Bush when faced with a fragile economy early in his presidency, responded with a series of tax cuts, including reduced taxes on capital gains and dividend income. These measures were designed to stimulate and DID STIMULATE capital investment and produce more jobs. The study noted that the tax reduction had positive effects on the economy and government finances. The economy grew, the government gained revenue and the rich now pay a larger share of taxes than ever. For example:

    The rate of business capital investment underwent a U-turn — from negative business investment spending in the two years before the tax cut to an average annual increase of more than 10 percent in the three succeeding years.
    In the four years since the cut, federal revenues increased $740 billion and revenues from the capital gains tax nearly doubled to $110 billion.
    There was a sizable “unlocking effect” from the lower tax rate, meaning that investors voluntarily sold stock and other assets at a much higher volume once the tax rate was reduced, nearly doubling the amount of capital gains realized.

    Unfortunayely, Obama is well aware of this and WILL INCREASE capital gains to shrink the economy further and put more people than ever out of work.

    MOST voters KNEW Obama was a wrecking ball for jobs and the economy...THEREFORE Obama thinks he has a mandate to RAISE ALL TAXES to do the absolute MOST damage that he can manage to do. What a guy!

    When Obamacare kicks in, it will KICK IN the door to USA Third Worldliness. Defense cuts will guarantee more bust and lost jobs and a weaker America -- forcing Obama to take more vacations and golf outings---TO CELEBRATE HIS SUCCESS!

    Even more business property will be boarded up because property owners will HUNKER DOWN for the bust and job losses while vandals have more time being unemployed and frustrated to tag and destroy property that owners have given up on trying to rent.


    The Federal Reserve bank opened for business in 1914, when the U.S. dollar has been borrowed into existence from this private bank called “the Fed”. It was “borrowed” into existence because every single dollar the Fed has ever created is not, in fact, property of the U.S. government, it’s actually owned by the Federal Reserve bank, and is owed back to the Federal Reserve bank, with GOOD interest, not this 0.3 that U.S. citizens can get.

    Most U.S. citizens mistakenly believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the U.S. Government. It is an independent mega-bank, which is actually a private corporation owned by the largest banks in the world. The United States of America Government gave up its Constitutional right to coin money and regulate the value of it and passed that right in 1913 to a private corporation owned by the Federal Reserve. Also it is neither Federal nor a Reserve...a complete misnomer to fool Congress and that buffoon Woodrow F******* Wilson, the man ensconched on the $10,000 bill, who was President at the time. He apolgized before he died which MAY have detured him from Mohammad's place toasting marshmallows to the Pearly Gates and roller skates...recall the joke.
    Gotta laugh when all the grimness abounds.

    This private mega-bank Federal Reserve works by creating all currency, not the U.S. government, which it lends it out to the U.S. government and private institutions (that is, other banks) - with handsome interest.

    QUESTION: “If we pay back all the currency that was borrowed into existence, but we still owe interest, where do we get the currency to pay the interest?”

    Answer: We have to borrow the interest money we pay out into existence.

    This is but one reason of many why the national debt at 17 trillion keeps growing exponentially. Even if we were to pay off all the currency that is borrowed, the government still would owe the handsome interest. To pay that interest off, it would need to get more money from the Federal Reserve, which we would, in turn, owe even more interest on.

    Due in no small measure to this vicious cycle, the national debt can NEVER truly be paid off. It is amathematical impossiblity. But even more aggravating, frustrating and constipating than this ever expanding debt is the way the Federal Reserve creates our fiat currency. The process is actually terrifyingly simple:

    1. The Federal Reserve makes loans to the U.S. government or banking system by writing a bad check.

    2. Then it purchases something with that bad check.

    In the Fed’s own infamous words, published in a 1977 paper called "Putting It Simply":

    “When you or I write a check, there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money.”


    Thus the Federal Reserve is doing something every day that the citizens, especially Martha Stewart or Wesley Snipes, would be thrown in jail for - writing bad checks, and using those checks to purchase things.

    Think tha;s SCARY? Scarier than that, the Federal Reserve is not creating actual, factual MONEY, it is creating currency.

    Currency is legal tender that has no real value other than the good standing of the Government. Money is something of value. However, the United States operates off a monetary system known as Fiat Currency. You can light a good cigar with paper, such as 1923, German Money, if you can find one.

    In 1919, one loaf of bread cost 1 mark; by 1923 the same loaf of bread cost 100 billion marks. One-million mark notes used as notepaper, October 1923. (3)

    A fiat is basically an arbitrary decree, order, or pronouncement given by a person, group, or body with the absolute authority to enforce it. This means that anyone with the backing of an army could declare a bag of dirt as a type of currency, simply because “They say so.” All paper currency in use today is fiat currency.

    The US Gov't bought up 1.7 billion rounds of ammunition and is seeking to rapidly disarm all US citizens due to Sandy Hook and other incidents. But not to fear, this is certified as NOT a conspiracy! The Social Security Administration with 295 agents gets only about 590 rounds per agent and the US is just chock-full of millions of old people that can quickly acquire the nickname,"pirate".

    USDA needs 320,000 rounds because it operates the Forest Service, which has “155 national forests” and “20 national grasslands” on a total of “193 million acres of land.” Besides agents in the fields of clover, the USDA has a law-enforcement unit based in Washington, D.C.. It is posible that SOME old people , tired of eating ALPO dog food from Republicans, could decide to poach some of King Obama;s national forest deer as did "Robin Hood and his merry but not gay, men".

    A measly 46,000 rounds was requested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement, with 63 armed officers or over 700 rounds each.
    HMMM...ALPO-hating oldsters COULD take up illegal fishing.

    Some 500 million rounds is combined for the FBI and George W. Bush's baby, the Department of Homeland Security with that highly-respected TSA. Arming the TSA has been deemed a very unintelligent idea although Janet (Napy) Neopolitan has considered of it for several times for several days.(4) Since Napster was not offended by Napy, Napy will thicken her skin and smile all the awhile. Her boss thinks just about everything about his job is HILARIOUS especially when he gets 23 new Executive Orders to foust, speak of "corpse man", infer that Sarah Palin is a pig with lipstick, wipe his posterior on the Constitution sorta and wipes away an imaginary tear for imaginary extra victims. (6)

    An elderly woman was asked to remove an adult diaper. HMM they could put a black bag over her head and get a drug/explosives/gun oil sniffing dog to "check her out". If she SAW the dog she MIGHT have a heart attack. TSA agents would have to do a lot of sniffing as if they had head colds so the lady would not think there was a BIG DOG sniffing her! Sniffing BEFORE the bag applied!(5)








    Sad But True

    Terry Gilliam, who directed “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, released a movie in 1985 called “Brazil.” (2)This fabulous movie is highly recommended especially if you’ve never seen it, so find it and watch it. Perhaps the American release poster depicts a youthful Robert de Nero who is the recognizable famous actor in the flick and must have been a boy at the time. Written by Terry Gilliam, Charles McKeown, and Tom Stoppard, “Brazil” deals the cards against Big Government far more eloquently and certainly more horrifyingly than just about anything thus far produced. Keeping in mind that this movie was made almost thirty years ago, during the first few minutes of “Brazil” , note and be watchful of the following:

    A terrorist bomb explodes, wiping out a store's front and display window.
    Later on State TV, a government official propagandizes that the ongoing bombing although in its 13th year” is just“beginner’s luck” and the socialistic omnipitant big government has the low-down, rotten terrorists “on the run.” Their capture is eminent.
    A heavily-armed, jack-booted SWAT team in full military gear does a “no-knock” kick-in-the-door raid on a family’s apartment and the plot thickened like gray gravy for thin fries after that.

    "Brazil" gets its name from the catchy theme tune, with English words "Aquarela do Brasil" and is a dystopian place in which the population has an over-reliance on poorly maintained and somewhat whimsical, machines. Brazil's bureaucratic, totalitarian government is reminiscent of the government depicted in George Orwell's "Nineteen-Eighty Four" although it lacks the figure-head dictator in charge. (4) Chaos ultimately results in lives destroyed, multiple deaths, and an overwhelming sense of a monstrous, heartless, inhuman system completely out of control.

    “Brazil”, Terry Gilliam’s sadly futuristic film was originally going to be completed and released in 1984, on the anniversary of George Orwell’s devastating mirror of the future, “1984.” Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” so scared Sid Sheinberg who was president of Universal
    pictures, which was the studio to release Brazil in the US, that Sheinberg (3) "and the Boys" shelved it as totally “unreleasable” like the "Hamster of Happiness" that "Beretta" formerly spoke about. Most likely America would never have seen it if Gilliam hadn’t previewed “Brazil” sans Universal Studios permission for the Las Angeles' film critics community. The resulting furor, rucus, and interest built a slow-burning fire under the studio to eventually release “Brazil”. To the studio's shock and dismay, some critics were even inquiring if an unreleased movie could be eligible for a "Grammy" the year's Best Picture at the Acadamy Awards.

    Almost thirty years later, “Brazil” is available in a beautiful Blu-ray version.

    Or, you can just turn on CBS, ABC, NBC orMCNBC for the 6 o'clock news.

    Nightly terrorism? Check.
    Government lies and BS? Check.
    No-knock raids by military-grade police, masked and pointing machine guns at your family? Check.
    Pointless, mindless bureaucracy grinding you up in the gears? Check.

    Welcome to the future. Gilliam saw it coming.



    "If we're going to have universal background checks on virtually everybody who buys a gun, you think maybe it's time to require a background check on anybody wanting to be president? I would submit to you we still have not had a background check on Barack Obama." ---Limbaugh ---Retorter,"But every time somebody tries to check Obama's school records...BRICK WALL...his career as Harrison J. Bounel...BRICK WALL...Obama's Connecticut Social Security from a state he NEVER RESIDES IN...Obama's draft notice is the ONLY ONE WITH TWO DIGITS for the year instead of FOUR--80--not 1980...did somebody FAKE IT with a chopped off '08 inverted stamp?...BRICK WALL...Donald Trump gets Obama to put up ANOTHER FAKE BIRTH RECORD, TRUMP says NOTHING when all the experts point out all the FAKEisms therein...BRICK WALL..DDonald Trump, closet Democrat, RUNNING INTERFERENCE for the immaculated ONE...BRICK WALL on getting the TRUTH!

    "I've got Obama's 23 executive orders here, and there isn't one of them that would have stopped what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School."...Rush Limbaugh...

    "If you actually proclaim a place a gun-free zone, you are providing a road map to somebody with a gun to go and take action. You're telling someone where to go where they can't be stopped."

    "I know the president's political leanings. I know what his ideology is, I know why and what about this country he doesn't like and wants to change, but I don't understand why he wants to get in people's faces and irritate them."
    **Obama likes to irritate people because he knows he can get away with it.
    "Doctors are now under the thumb of Obamacare, and they had better comply. This is not a choice. Can you say hello to rapidly increasing malpractice insurance?"

    "That the ACLU is a civil rights organization is a bit of a laugh -- they're just another branch of liberalism!"

    "See, to the left, you can't make the wise decisions you need to make because you're not really good, you're not a decent person, you're not qualified, and you're not smart enough. They have to control things for you in order to save you from yourself."

    "By the way, I'm told that MSNBC practically went insane over my categorization of the children at the White House today as human shields. Of course, the people at MSNBC didn't deal with the substance of what I said at all. All they did was launch into character assassination."

    "Shawty just sharing the love."

    "You know, sometimes less is more, and sometimes less is less. You never know until you get into it."

    "We conservatives look at the people of this country optimistically. We look at it our future optimistically. We look and see a country of people who can take care of themselves and who want to -- maybe in some cases even rugged individualists -- and we don't see anything wrong with that."

    "Look at the people who have turned their lives over to the Democrat Party or to liberalism, the people who have bought the notion that the government will take better care of them than they will take care of themselves: they're not happy people, and they don't have any self-confidence."

    "We're not into controlling anybody. We like freedom. We believe in free will. And we think that you are the best steward of yourself and your self-interests -- not some faceless, distant capital that claims to care more about you than you do."

    "Democrats don't love you., folks. You are just to be used to advance their power. You are an experiment to prove that they know better than you do."

    "Welfare spending is going to go up $11 trillion in the next ten years. But don't worry: the $600 billion in additional taxes on the rich over the next ten years will cover it."

    Sen. Scott Brown (Massachusettes) 2nd-most bi-partisan senator in 2011. According to the latest Congressional Weekly study,most bipartisan senator in 2011, according to the study, was Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who voted with the Republican Party only 48 percent of the time. By contrast, the top 10 Democrats range from 96 to 99%! This reveals that Democrat's "bi-partisan" means YOU vote WITH them---but they will not vote along with YOU.

    "Low-Down" Scott Brown stated that, "between him and Warren is his swarmy, hinky, spine-less, bi-ideology of compromise.

    "Professor Warren is a hard-working, talented and accomplished academic. And she's got the other side pretty excited. She talks about how she's a, 'rock thrower,' and rather than compromise she prefers to leave 'blood and teeth' on the floor," He also stated in Worcester, "That sure doesn't sound like the kind of compromise and progress this country needs right now. I'm a bridge builder, not a rock thrower."(19) Sounds like a bi-partisan bridge to a Chicago Andersonville bath house named "Man's Country".

    Sen. John McCain has allegedly been bi-partisan on many key conservative issues like imigration, while lying through his teeth about Bush tax cuts hurting middle class, and opposing Bush conservative measures while backing liberal Bush items. There was speculation that McCain would leave the Republican Party in which he was having so much fun opposing conservatism, but he let everybody down by staying in, then running for President later. McCain is apparently trying to be a clone of now deceased Ted Kennedy, formerly arguably, the #1 most despicable politician although competition is keen, hot and heavy. His low-livity was in hot competetion with scuzzies and bottom-feeders like opportunistic "Jumping" Jeff Jeffords and Lincoln Chafee who would earn their names to be etched in turds of infamy with Obamacare treachery.

    In a high-profile late October 2001 Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, John McCain wrote, "America is under attack by a depraved, malevolent force that opposes our every interest and hates every value we hold dear." Yes, Mr. McCain and your socialistic support of Democrats spending America into the abyss of Third World status is the Fifth Column America haters LOVE.

    Assisted by President Bush, who was having a fit of bad taste amid Democrat decisions, John McCain earned his place in infamy with he and Sen. Feingold's Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act which was very detremental and harmful debris of poorly-thought out legislation, like anything Sen. Feingold has her grubby, filthy paws in. The recent gun legislation got her many "infamy points" for "Despicable" of the year although Disney has done much to sugar-coat the low-life, traitor, sleeze-baggy-ness out of the word, "despicable" with a movie. To youth, it is not so bad to be despicable, they are softened up for liberality's illogical ideology from Hell. Everyone knows (except perhaps liberals) that the environMENTAL movement is the latest hideout of those out to shut down America and Americanism. It is no accident that every snail darter shuts down a billion-dollar electricity-generating plant or a dam for hydro-generation of electricity sorely needed by a growing country. Yet every needed refinery is side-tracked and delayed by some environmental groups pet "endangered species" of unedible, plant or animal that cannot survive on its own and needs "help" by shutting down loggers and any sort of progress for the bulk of humanity. Then the general population wails and moans when gasoline eats up the last three raises that the gainfully employed, managed as a hedge to inflation. Then liberals howl for a hike in the minimum wage which reduces entry-level jobs and promotes hiring illegal aliens for cash which they promptly send $2 billion of.....back to Mexico and Central and South America. Mexico which does not tolerate illegals, regularly releases them, telling them to "GO NORTH" to US where "Eldorado" is more than a Cadillac.

    Then Bi-partisan sold-out "mavericks" like McCain hammer out immigration reform requiring an illegal to put up $5000! Who but a DRUG CARTEL illegal has $5000? What was McCain THINKING and what was he trying to THINK with? HMMM...wonder if any illegals actually made the $5000 "deposit" or sort of "bond". Did they get the money back once they became citizens? Who was in charge of this money, if there WAS any raised with this hare-brained scheme? The Young Turk, LIBERAL JERK was saying he would put $5000 in makeup on or somewhere on Senator John McCain which was an internet cover-up/spin for fellow-jerk McCain's "$5000 Each for Immigration Scheme" legislation.

    During the last half of 2008, when the US financial institutions of banks, savings and loans, etc...were in freefall, the John McCain met with the country's top economic decision-makers and other trusted advisers on a daily basis, sometimes for hours. In 2013, although the recession is far from over, Obama's administration has appeared to have saved the country's economy from total collapse seemingly as he said he would. Then he did some things he promised that nobody wanted, namely deforming and taking over 1/7th of the US economy via US healthcare system and enslaving thousands of students to the US federal student loan program which took banks out of the picture and competetion from lower interest due to competing banks.(5)

    After the getting steam-rolled and trampled on at the end of the heated healthcare reform debate, McCain threatened that Obama should not expect any GOP co-operation for the rest of the year, (6)which was a "heat-of-the-moment-lie" since the Democrats know they can count on McCain to knife the GOP in the back at every turn.

    Later Obama did unilateral nuclear disarmament without "Trust But Verify", a GOP idea to be avoided, just as we feared. This is why Democrats appear to love tyrants and dictators...they cozy up, accept empty promises, and do not ask for anything verifiable in return.

    Lately John (The Snake) McCain gave $5000 to the defense funds of two sheriffs, which covered his tracks on the $5000 immigration nonsense bill. (5)
    The extent of McCain-Feingold bi-sexual, bi-partisanship is unknown and subject to debate. McCain is also against a filibuster of Hagel who was not even low and despicable enough to keep his life-time job in the US Senate. Did a streak of decency, spoil his career?

    Eleven of the lowest, 2%ers Congress has ever seen in life-time jobs want to know the secret legal opinions that lay out the rationales for killing Americans accused of taking part in terrorism plots, revealing possible self-interest. Do they want to save themselves by changing some of the low-down ways?

    Three members of the intelligence panel signed the tell-all-drone-secrets letter were Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). Sen. Patrick J. (LEAKY free diaper advocate and leaks-to-press and other enemies of the U.S.) Leahy (D-Vt.), the chairman for no-apparent-reason of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the very rank and ranking Republican on that infiltrated, infested panel.

    Very rank Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA) was one of only two Republicans to vote AGAINST holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for the “Fast and Furious” scandal. With RINO Republicans like Rigell, rhymes with "wiggle", who needs Democrat Socialists, Liberals and Progressives or even those in the New World! Holy Rancor of the Rancid, Batdude! Rigell makes the "Stench from the Bench" of California's 9th Circus Court smell like a room full of roses. And the odor of Rigell's his best "foot" forward.
    It is thought that "Odor Eaters" might consume Rigell so he refrains from using them, hense he is admonished for removing his shoes if he ever does. Currently no politicians dare to remove their shoes like Nikita Kruschev of shoe pounding fame.



    In the summer of 2012, as the fighting in Syria worsened and questions about U.S. inaction grew, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met privately with David Petraeus, the director of the CIA, about joining forces on a plan to arm the Syrian resistance in a fit of bad taste, poor timing, and hasty decisions.

    The idea was to check out best and most harmless of the rebel groups and train fighters, who would be supplied with weapons. The plan offered the potential of creating Syrian allies with whom the U.S. could work after Assad’s eventual removal, and who MIGHT double-cross the U.S. like all the others we have trusted in our stupidity.
    Clinton and Petraeus offered the plan to the White House, according to administration officials. The White House was not particularly concerned about the risks, but with President Obama in the midst of a re-election bid, they were turned down in a fit of good taste, good-timing and well-thought-out decisions.

    My comment:

    The NATO-Islamic Jihad nexus lead to the fall of a brutal military regime in Libya that was predictable and not dangerous to the U.S. in favor of unknowns which sided with Islamic forces making the fruits of this military collaboration toxic. The known-homosexual American ambassador Stevens died when Islamic forces attacked the US Consulate in Bengazi.

    We need to question if Hillary Clinton overall, did have the correct world view. Did she understand the spiritual nature of the threat the US forces are up against? Or was she just trying to appease her boss, Obama, and assist the Arab Spring Islamic take-over of the Middle East?

    Did Clinton understand that the same Islamic forces fighting a brutal dictatorship that was predictable and not dangerous to the U.S. in favor of unknowns in Syria, are the same forces who killed the US ambassador?

    Most people do not think she or Obama ever did.

    Why should the US arm Islamic terrorists, who attack friendly Russian oil-interests in Syria, and not expect more Islamic violence against American targets, not even interested in Lybian oil, but throwing away American money and war goods?

    It has been likened to feeding Satan, when diabolical, Christian-hating Democats feel that they have done a good deal for evil. Then in the next moment they know, they find themselves under deadly attacks.

    Supporters of evil, repent. You are on your way through the wide gates that leads to destruction. May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all deceived souls. Amen.

    These Seven Things Obama Will NEVER do because he is number one and couldn't care less about disillutioned activists.

    Obama will NEVER repeal the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with its provisions for preventive detention A) It bothers lots of people and he likes to bother people.(2) B) He may have to suspend Habias Corpus and a few other rights to remain king.

    Obama will NEVER shut down the Guantanomo Bay detention camp (GITMO)A) This puts a bee in every bonnet from Talahasee to Tulane since prison is expensive; some say $20,000 per year per inmate. B) NOBODY wants these Muslim thugs in their state much less in their prison. Everybody recalls that 8 Nazi saboteurs were going to kill,kill,kill but FDR hung,hung,hung most of them. What if ONE of them had just destroyed ONE target? 10 dead? 100s dead? 1000s of innocent Americans DEAD? UPDATE: In Feb. 2013, around 24 Guantanamo prisoners staged a hunger strike because their collective panties are in a wad over the U.S. government's failure to close the detention camp and seek media attention stated a Marine Corps general,General John Kelly, on March 20,2013.(3)

    Obama will NEVER give up using big-time force, with Homeland Security collaboration, to kick out peaceful Occupy protesters. A) Have you seen "peaceful protesters' rap sheets? They have committed everything from stoop pooping to rape.B) Why would Obama toss away power, big-time,massive force power?

    Obama will NEVER "let go" Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education and replace him with a lifetime educator because that would reward a deserving lifetime educator AND teachers' unions LOVE Duncan AND he LOVES gun control/confiscation AND Duncan thinks MORE money will fix anything AND wants he wants to BLAME and FINE HEAVILY highly paid college basketball coaches because of low graduation rates without so much as defining "low" AND some players do not graduate because they GO PRO for $500,000 contracts.

    Obama will NEVER speak out in favor of legalizing marijuana and releasing non-violent drug offenders because Obama is a hypocrit with NO sympathy for those who get caught. He MIGHT, however, offer tips on how not to get caught with marijuana or cocaine, since he wants to be "cool" more than he prizes his reputation as an example for youth and being presidential.(4)

    Obama will NEVER flush the whole White House economic team, beginning with Secretary of Treasury Timothy (Tax Cheat) Geithner and Lawrence Summers because A) Geithner gives the impression that people CAN get away with not paying their taxes which trial and tax lawyers and "fixers" LOVE.B) IF Obama was not absolutely THRILLED at high unemployment, high debt, and the ridiculous new budget passed March 22, 2013, and how much sheer fun he will have doing an "end run" around it to keep spending unsustainable. C) Obama sees the US credit devaluation as PROOF he is doing EVERYTHING right on schedule, it is just not costing enough yet.(5)

    Obama will NEVER proclaim that he is more popular than Jesus Christ because A)He does not want to remind people of the Beatles. B)Obama knows Americans cling to guns and religion. (6)C) He knows he is the GREATEST of all 6 billion plus in the world AND JESUS CHRIST but feels he has to keep it to himself.

    You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
    And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

    Ben Smith calls it," a pretty broad list of things to explain with job loss."(6)

    Obama will NEVER admit that he never had any intention of being a good POTUS since it is such a good joke on the American people that he ever became an ineligible success and he has freely admitted wanting to spread the wealth i.e being a communist. Daddy Frank would have been proud of his little Muslim boy child. But many suspect the Supreme Court has seen the DNA record.







    Tags: benghazi, clinging, debbie, geithner, guantanamo, king

**********************************************************************************    Joseph Goebbels once said “It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.”

“[I]f the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves
to those who make such laws and enforce them.” Candidus, Pen name of Samuel Adams during the era of the
Sons of Liberty. Source: in the Boston Gazette, 1772
Listing the Billionaires Who Live In The World's Most Expensive Apartment Building, One Hyde Park complex.

The owners were some of the first people to buy into the building. The Sheikh paid $64 million for his triplex, which Vanity Fair magazine calls "the best apartment of all."

Christian Candy reportedly has two apartments that cost $85 million. Nick Candy owns an 11th-floor duplex penthouse.

In 2010, Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov paid $216 million for a penthouse in the complex. It's the most expensive home ever sold.

Two apartments worth $43.7 million are owned by Professor Wong Wen Young, said to be the Taiwanese business tycoon Winston Wong Wen Young.

In April of 2011, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue spent $25 million on a three-bedroom flat in the One Hyde Park complex.

Mohammed Saud Sultan al-Qasimi is the head of finance for the government of Sharjah which is part of the United Arab Emerate.  He reportedly paid $18 million for his apartment in One Hyde Park.

One apartment (or more) is owned by Russian real-estate tycoon Vladislav Doronin, who is dating supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Nigerian billionaire Folorunsho Alakija is rumoured to have spent $123 million on several apartments , all supposedly registered under the name Rose of Sharon.

The wealthiest man in Kazakhstan, Vladimir Kim, a copper magnate with a net worth of $2.3 billion,  owns a home in One Hyde Park.

Rory Carvill is an insurance entrepreneur and chairman of U.K. based R.K. Carvill & Co. Ltd.. He reportedly paid $33.5 million for his apartment and some additional storage space.

Viktorovna Kharitonina and Viktor Kharitonina own two One Hyde Park apartments that cost $49.8 million.  Viktor Kharitonina is thought to be a co-owner of Russia’s largest domestic drugmaker.

Those desiring a residence in One Hyde Park can check out a 5-bedroom flat that recently came on the market. Going for $101 million, it is said to be the most expensive apartment for sale in London as of March, 2013.

One Hyde Park was created through a joint venture between high-end real estate developers the Candy brothers and Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the Prime Minister of Qatar.

Read more:


Obama: What debt crisis?

We have NOT YET begin to run up unpayable, unsustainable. ignorant, debt.  America's CREDIT RATING has only been down-sized ONCE!  All the tax rake-in amounted to $600 BILLION while the annual debt is over $1 TRILLION.  Solution: SHUTDOWN ALL NON-ESSENTAIL GOVERNMENT. 

Why did Mark Kelly, former Representative, pick a rifle for which he has yet to do a background check?

Mark Kelly is a gun regulation advocate and husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and recovered much function.  Kelly has explained to the press that he bought an AR-15 rifle in early March, 2013, because he wanted to exemplify just how "easy" it was to buy a so-called "assault weapon."

However, if that had been his intent, why did he buy a second-hand, traded-in rifle for which he must wait 20 days--and for which he must still complete a background check? Why didn't he buy a new rifle that he could have claimed immediately?

Kelly may have completed the background check process for the .45 caliber 1911 semi-automatic handgun he bought, but not for the AR-15 rifle. On March 12, 2013, after Breitbart News contacted Diamondback Police Supply, the business where Kelly purchased the two weapons, the store's owner Douglas MacKinlay gave the following statement to the media:

   Security in the building is insane. There are panic rooms, bulletproof glass, and guards trained by British Special Forces, according to Vanity Fair.

Goracle: Profit not the reason I sold Current TV to Oil-Jazeera.

It got cold in Zuccotti Park, and the authorities in other Occupy cities  ran out of patience with the nasty outlaw jerks. 

There remains income inequality when White House staff women earn, and we use that term loosely, less than men.  There will always be bankers charging "Maintenance Fees" on CDs and other financial instruments not renewed on time. Sometimes, just to aggravate people, the bank, esp Bank of America will belayedly send you a notice so you will get angry at being ripped off the Maintenance fee that happens to equal your meager, scrawny, insignificant interest.  Banks do not give a rip if it is an IRA, they want to keep all that minescule interest.  And people wonder why folks just bury the cash in the backyard.  At least it is SAFE without the revolting bull jive of being serviced.  We know a fellow who raked in ONE THICK NICKEL for his $10,000 drawing poor interest at BOA the snake of banking.  Never heard of anybody wanting to OdduPOOP Bank of America!   There is economic injustice in America but OccuPOOPERS want no part of the real deal. 

Although President Clinton happened to preside over America's last chunk of years having of solid economic growth, and his budget deal of 1993 raise DID income taxes on the wealthy. But Clinton also signed off on a giant windfall for affluent Americans called the 1997 reduction in the capital gains rate, the tax paid on profits from the sale of assets such as stocks or real estate.

Some will move away from Zuccini to protest Bill Clinton either for NOT asking for dates or for asking.  Nobody thinks for a minure that Der Slickmeister will be closing his door when anybody is in the room alone with him.

Democrats hotly hated President  Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax overhaul raised the capital gains rate from 20 percent to 28 percent, equalizing it with the new top tax rate for earned income of 28%. This was a progressive move, and in the 2013, progressive is the foulest curse word ever uttered because people realize that progressives were the pioneering SCUM that have gotten America into the doldrums, they are the RAT IN THE SUGARBOWL.  Since capital gains are claimed disproportionately by the very rich; half of all capital gains have gone to the top 0.1 percent of earners over the past 20 years. His successor, President George H.W. Bush, repeatedly attempted to lower the capital gains rate but was blocked by Senate Democrats.

Nobody on LOONY LEFT remembers but early in Clinton's second term, he cut a deal to reduce the capital gains rate from 28 percent to 20 percent in exchange for congressional Republicans’ approval of college tax credits. With Clinton having signed off on that reduction, it was easier for his successor, George W. Bush, to take the rate even lower, to 15 percent, boosting home and property sales.

Last year's low capital gains rate is why billionaire investor Warren Buffett was taxed at only 17 percent last year and why many millionaires paid an effective tax rate of 22.1 percent in 2007, down from 30.8 percent in 1996. The low capital gains rate also set up the “hedge fund loophole,” under which investment managers like George Soros could classify their pay as capital gains, thus having their income taxed at a mere 15 percent. 
Lots of people in the 1960s, '70s and 80s paid 12-15% but they never saw the sunny side of $20,000 as income.  As late as 1993-94, many never made $32,000 to get that millionaire tax rate of 17%.

Capital Gains Taxes are basically taxes on money made from selling a non-inventory based asset for an increased price, that could be a mostly inflation/fluff increase.  This applies to non-inventory assets like stocks, bonds, precious metals, and property.

Capital Gains Taxes are also applied to dividends, which are payments made by a corporation to its shareholder members. There are several companies not to cheap to pay dividends.  When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, that money can be put to two uses: it can either be re-invested in the business which is called retained earnings, or it can be paid to the shareholders as a dividend. Many corporations sort of "split the difference" to retain a portion of their earnings for growing and expanding and pay the remainder as a dividend.

So if you own stock in a company that pays dividends, and 4 or 5 do out of 100s of cheapskate companies, you can be taxed on the income those dividends bring you under the capital gains tax to the tune of through the nose and out the wazoo. 

Under the Bush Tax Cuts retained for awhile by Obama, rates for long term capital gains and dividends were 15% for taxpayers in the top four tax brackets.  Taxpayers in the 10% and 15% brackets paid no taxes on long-term capital gains IF lucky enough to have stock in a dividends-paying company.  

Occupy COULD PROTEST Barack Obama’s getting lame justification for the high capital gains rate because the economy was good under Bill Clinton.  However, the capital gains rate during the Clinton administration fell from 28 percent at the beginning of his Presidency to 20 percent with the signing of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 in August of 1997. NOTABLY, HEADS UP HERE, the economy managed only two years of growth of 4 percent or more in the 10 long years BEFORE the 1997 capital gains cut—but notched three straight years of 4% or better growth in 1997, 1998, and 1999 after the Capital Gains tax was lowered.

Barack Obama wants to raise capital gains taxes to a rate of 20%.  He even stated on CNBC that he would consider raising capital gains up to 25% percent.  Obama is SCUM ENOUGH TO RAISE IT T0 98% IF HE COULD.  That would hurt the economy and make Obama BEAM a SMILE like an Arkansas river--a mile wide and ONE inch deep!

And Obama would HAVE to celebrate with yet another of those $920,000 Florida golf outings.

President Bush when faced with a fragile economy early in his presidency, responded with a series of tax cuts, including reduced taxes on capital gains and dividend income.  These measures were designed to stimulate and DID STIMULATE capital investment and produce more jobs. The study noted that the tax reduction had positive effects on the economy and government finances.  The economy grew, the government gained revenue and the rich now pay a larger share of taxes than ever.  For example:

    The rate of business capital investment underwent a U-turn — from negative business investment spending in the two years before the tax cut to an average annual increase of more than 10 percent in the three succeeding years.
    In the four years since the cut, federal revenues increased $740 billion and revenues from the capital gains tax nearly doubled to $110 billion.
    There was a sizable “unlocking effect” from the lower tax rate, meaning that investors voluntarily sold stock and other assets at a much higher volume once the tax rate was reduced, nearly doubling the amount of capital gains realized.

Unfortunayely, Obama is well aware of this and WILL INCREASE capital gains to shrink the economy further and put more people than ever out of work.

MOST voters KNEW Obama was a wrecking ball for jobs and the economy...THEREFORE Obama thinks he has a mandate to RAISE ALL TAXES to do the absolute MOST damage that he can manage to do.  What a guy!

When Obamacare kicks in, it will KICK IN the door to USA Third Worldliness.  Defense cuts will guarantee more bust and lost jobs and a weaker America -- forcing Obama to take more vacations and golf outings---TO CELEBRATE HIS SUCCESS!

Even more business property will be boarded up because property owners will HUNKER DOWN for the bust and job losses while vandals have more time being unemployed and frustrated to tag and destroy property that owners have given up on trying to rent.


The Federal Reserve bank opened for business in 1914, when the U.S. dollar has been borrowed into existence from this private bank called “the Fed”.  It was “borrowed” into existence because every single dollar the Fed has ever created is not, in fact, property of the U.S. government, it’s actually owned by the Federal Reserve bank, and is owed back to the Federal Reserve bank, with GOOD interest, not this 0.3 that U.S. citizens can get.

Most U.S. citizens mistakenly believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the U.S. Government.  It is an independent mega-bank, which is actually a private corporation owned by the largest banks in the world.  The United States of America Government gave up its Constitutional right to coin money and regulate the value of it and passed that right in 1913 to a private corporation owned by the Federal Reserve.  Also it is neither Federal nor a Reserve...a complete misnomer to fool Congress and that buffoon Woodrow F******* Wilson, the man ensconched on the $10,000 bill, who was President at the time.  He apolgized before he died which MAY have detured him from Mohammad's place toasting marshmallows to the Pearly Gates and roller skates...recall the joke.
Gotta laugh when all the grimness abounds. 

This private mega-bank Federal Reserve works by creating all currency, not the U.S. government, which it lends it out to the U.S. government and private institutions (that is, other banks) - with handsome interest.

QUESTION: “If we pay back all the currency that was borrowed into existence, but we still owe interest, where do we get the currency to pay the interest?”

Answer:  We have to borrow the interest money we pay out into existence.

This is but one reason of many why the national debt at 17 trillion keeps growing exponentially. Even if we were to pay off all the currency that is borrowed, the government still would owe the handsome interest. To pay that interest off, it would need to get more money from the Federal Reserve, which we would, in turn, owe even more interest on.

Due in no small measure to this vicious cycle, the national debt can NEVER truly be paid off.  It is amathematical impossiblity.  But even more aggravating, frustrating and constipating than this ever expanding debt is the way the Federal Reserve creates our fiat currency.  The process is actually terrifyingly simple:

1.  The Federal Reserve makes loans to the U.S. government or banking system by writing a bad check.

2.  Then it purchases something with that bad check.

In the Fed’s own infamous words, published in a 1977 paper called "Putting It Simply":

    “When you or I write a check, there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn.  When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money.”


Thus the Federal Reserve is doing something every day that the citizens, especially Martha Stewart or Wesley Snipes, would be thrown in jail for - writing bad checks, and using those checks to purchase things.

Think tha;s SCARY?  Scarier than that, the Federal Reserve is not creating actual, factual MONEY, it is creating currency.

Currency is legal tender that has no real value other than the good standing of the Government.  Money is something of value.  However, the United States operates off a monetary system known as Fiat Currency. You can light a good cigar with paper, such as 1923, German Money, if you can find one.

In 1919, one loaf of bread cost 1 mark; by 1923 the same loaf of bread cost 100 billion marks. One-million mark notes used as notepaper, October 1923. (3)

A fiat is basically an arbitrary decree, order, or pronouncement given by a person, group, or body with the absolute authority to enforce it.  This means that anyone with the backing of an army could declare a bag of dirt as a type of currency, simply because “They say so.”  All paper currency in use today is fiat currency.

The US Gov't bought up 1.7 billion rounds of ammunition and is seeking to rapidly disarm all US citizens due to Sandy Hook and other incidents. But not to fear, this is certified as NOT a conspiracy!  The Social Security Administration with 295 agents gets only about 590 rounds per agent and the US is just chock-full of millions of old people that can quickly acquire the nickname,"pirate".

USDA needs 320,000 rounds because it operates the Forest Service, which has “155 national forests” and “20 national grasslands” on a total of “193 million acres of land.” Besides agents in the fields of clover, the USDA has a law-enforcement unit based in Washington, D.C.. It is posible that SOME old people , tired of eating ALPO dog food from Republicans, could decide to poach some of King Obama;s national forest deer as did "Robin Hood and his merry but not gay, men".

A measly 46,000 rounds was requested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement, with 63 armed officers or over 700 rounds each.
HMMM...ALPO-hating oldsters COULD take up illegal fishing.

Some 500 million rounds is combined for the FBI and George W. Bush's baby, the Department of Homeland Security with that highly-respected TSA. Arming the TSA has been deemed a very unintelligent idea although Janet (Napy) Neopolitan has considered of it for several times for several days.(4)  Since Napster was not offended by Napy, Napy will thicken her skin and smile all the  awhile.  Her boss thinks just about everything about his job is HILARIOUS especially when he gets 23 new Executive Orders to foust, speak of "corpse man", infer that Sarah Palin is a pig with lipstick, wipe his posterior on the Constitution sorta and wipes away an imaginary tear for imaginary extra victims. (6)

An elderly woman was asked to remove an adult diaper.  HMM they could put a black bag over her head and get a drug/explosives/gun oil sniffing dog to "check her out".  If she SAW the dog she MIGHT have a heart attack.  TSA agents would have to do a lot of sniffing as if they had head colds so the lady would not think there was a BIG DOG sniffing her!  Sniffing BEFORE the bag applied!(5)








Sad But True

Terry Gilliam, who directed “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”,  released a movie in 1985 called “Brazil.” (2)This fabulous movie is highly recommended especially if you’ve never seen it, so find it and watch it.  Perhaps the American release poster depicts a youthful Robert de Nero who is the recognizable famous actor in the flick and must have been a boy at the time.  Written by Terry Gilliam, Charles McKeown, and Tom Stoppard, “Brazil” deals the cards against Big Government far more eloquently and certainly more horrifyingly than just about anything thus far produced.   Keeping in mind that this movie was made almost thirty years ago, during the first few minutes of “Brazil” , note and be watchful of the following:

     A terrorist bomb explodes, wiping out a store's front and display window.
    Later on State TV, a government official propagandizes that the ongoing bombing  although in its 13th year” is just“beginner’s luck” and the socialistic omnipitant big government has the low-down, rotten terrorists “on the run.” Their capture is eminent.
    A heavily-armed, jack-booted SWAT team in full military gear does a “no-knock” kick-in-the-door raid on a family’s apartment and the plot thickened like gray gravy for thin fries after that.

"Brazil" gets its name from the catchy theme tune, with English words "Aquarela do Brasil" and is a dystopian place in which the population has an over-reliance on poorly maintained and somewhat whimsical, machines. Brazil's bureaucratic, totalitarian government is reminiscent of the government depicted in George Orwell's "Nineteen-Eighty Four" although it lacks the figure-head dictator in charge. (4) Chaos ultimately results in lives destroyed, multiple deaths, and an overwhelming sense of a monstrous, heartless, inhuman system completely out of control.

“Brazil”, Terry Gilliam’s sadly futuristic film was originally going to be completed and released in 1984, on the anniversary of George Orwell’s devastating mirror of the future, “1984.”   Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” so scared Sid Sheinberg who was president of Universal
pictures, which was the studio to release Brazil in the US, that  Sheinberg (3) "and the Boys" shelved it as totally “unreleasable” like the "Hamster of Happiness" that "Beretta" formerly spoke about.  Most likely America would never have seen it if Gilliam hadn’t previewed “Brazil” sans Universal Studios permission for the Las Angeles'  film critics community.   The resulting furor, rucus, and interest built a slow-burning fire under the studio to eventually release “Brazil”.  To the studio's shock and dismay, some critics were even inquiring if an unreleased movie could be eligible for a "Grammy" the year's Best Picture at the Acadamy Awards.

Almost thirty years later, “Brazil”  is available in a beautiful Blu-ray version.

Or, you can just turn on CBS, ABC, NBC orMCNBC for the 6 o'clock news.

    Nightly terrorism?  Check.
    Government lies and BS?  Check.
    No-knock raids by military-grade police, masked and pointing machine guns at your family?  Check.
    Pointless, mindless bureaucracy grinding you up in the gears?  Check.

Welcome to the future.  Gilliam saw it coming.



"If we're going to have universal background checks on virtually everybody who buys a gun, you think maybe it's time to require a background check on anybody wanting to be president? I would submit to you we still have not had a background check on Barack Obama." ---Limbaugh ---Retorter,"But every time somebody tries to check Obama's school records...BRICK WALL...his career as Harrison J. Bounel...BRICK WALL...Obama's Connecticut Social Security from a state he NEVER RESIDES IN...Obama's draft notice is the ONLY ONE WITH TWO DIGITS for the year instead of FOUR--80--not 1980...did somebody FAKE IT with a chopped off '08 inverted stamp?...BRICK WALL...Donald Trump gets Obama to put up ANOTHER FAKE BIRTH RECORD, TRUMP says NOTHING when all the experts point out all the FAKEisms therein...BRICK WALL..DDonald Trump, closet Democrat, RUNNING INTERFERENCE for the immaculated ONE...BRICK WALL on getting the TRUTH!

"I've got Obama's 23 executive orders here, and there isn't one of them that would have stopped what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School."...Rush Limbaugh...

"If you actually proclaim a place a gun-free zone, you are providing a road map to somebody with a gun to go and take action. You're telling someone where to go where they can't be stopped."

"I know the president's political leanings. I know what his ideology is, I know why and what about this country he doesn't like and wants to change, but I don't understand why he wants to get in people's faces and irritate them."
**Obama likes to irritate people because he knows he can get away with it.
"Doctors are now under the thumb of Obamacare, and they had better comply. This is not a choice. Can you say hello to rapidly increasing malpractice insurance?"

"That the ACLU is a civil rights organization is a bit of a laugh -- they're just another branch of liberalism!"

"See, to the left, you can't make the wise decisions you need to make because you're not really good, you're not a decent person, you're not qualified, and you're not smart enough. They have to control things for you in order to save you from yourself."

"By the way, I'm told that MSNBC practically went insane over my categorization of the children at the White House today as human shields. Of course, the people at MSNBC didn't deal with the substance of what I said at all. All they did was launch into character assassination."

"Shawty just sharing the love."

"You know, sometimes less is more, and sometimes less is less. You never know until you get into it."

"We conservatives look at the people of this country optimistically. We look at it our future optimistically. We look and see a country of people who can take care of themselves and who want to -- maybe in some cases even rugged individualists -- and we don't see anything wrong with that."

"Look at the people who have turned their lives over to the Democrat Party or to liberalism, the people who have bought the notion that the government will take better care of them than they will take care of themselves: they're not happy people, and they don't have any self-confidence."

"We're not into controlling anybody. We like freedom. We believe in free will. And we think that you are the best steward of yourself and your self-interests -- not some faceless, distant capital that claims to care more about you than you do."

"Democrats don't love you., folks. You are just to be used to advance their power. You are an experiment to prove that they know better than you do."

"Welfare spending is going to go up $11 trillion in the next ten years. But don't worry: the $600 billion in additional taxes on the rich over the next ten years will cover it."

Sen. Scott Brown (Massachusettes) 2nd-most bi-partisan senator in 2011.  According to the latest Congressional Weekly study,most bipartisan senator in 2011, according to the study, was Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who voted with the Republican Party only 48 percent of the time. By contrast, the top 10 Democrats range from 96 to 99%!  This reveals that Democrat's "bi-partisan" means YOU vote WITH them---but they will not vote along with YOU.

"Low-Down" Scott Brown stated that, "between him and Warren is his swarmy, hinky, spine-less, bi-ideology of compromise.

"Professor Warren is a hard-working, talented and accomplished academic. And she's got the other side pretty excited. She talks about how she's a, 'rock thrower,' and rather than compromise she prefers to leave 'blood and teeth' on the floor,"  He also stated in Worcester, "That sure doesn't sound like the kind of compromise and progress this country needs right now. I'm a bridge builder, not a rock thrower."(19)  Sounds like a bi-partisan bridge to a Chicago Andersonville bath house named "Man's Country".

Sen. John McCain has allegedly been bi-partisan on many key conservative issues like imigration, while lying through his teeth about Bush tax cuts hurting middle class, and opposing Bush conservative measures while backing liberal Bush items.  There was speculation that McCain would leave the Republican Party in which he was having so much fun opposing conservatism, but he let everybody down by staying in, then running for President later.  McCain is apparently trying to be a clone of now deceased Ted Kennedy, formerly arguably, the #1 most despicable politician although competition is keen, hot and heavy.  His low-livity was in hot competetion with scuzzies and bottom-feeders like opportunistic "Jumping" Jeff Jeffords and Lincoln Chafee who would earn their names to be etched in turds of infamy with Obamacare treachery.

In a high-profile late October 2001 Wall Street Journal op-ed piece,  John McCain wrote, "America is under attack by a depraved, malevolent force that opposes our every interest and hates every value we hold dear." Yes, Mr. McCain and your socialistic support of Democrats spending America into the abyss of Third World status is the Fifth Column America haters LOVE.

Assisted by President Bush, who was having a fit of bad taste amid Democrat decisions, John McCain earned his place in infamy with he and Sen. Feingold's Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act which was very detremental and harmful debris of poorly-thought out legislation, like anything Sen. Feingold has her grubby, filthy paws in.  The recent gun legislation got her many "infamy points" for "Despicable" of the year although Disney has done much to sugar-coat the low-life, traitor, sleeze-baggy-ness out of the word, "despicable" with a movie.  To youth, it is not so bad to be despicable, they are softened up for liberality's illogical ideology from Hell.  Everyone knows (except perhaps liberals) that the environMENTAL movement is the latest hideout of those out to shut down America and Americanism.  It is no accident that every snail darter shuts down a billion-dollar electricity-generating plant or a dam for hydro-generation of electricity sorely needed by a growing country.  Yet every needed refinery is side-tracked and delayed by some environmental groups pet "endangered species" of unedible, plant or animal that cannot survive on its own and needs "help" by shutting down loggers and any sort of progress for the bulk of humanity.  Then the general population wails and moans when gasoline eats up the last three raises that the gainfully employed, managed as a hedge to inflation.  Then liberals howl for a hike in the minimum wage which reduces entry-level jobs and promotes hiring illegal aliens for cash which they promptly send $2 billion of.....back to Mexico and Central and South America.  Mexico which does not tolerate illegals, regularly releases them, telling them to "GO NORTH" to US where "Eldorado" is more than a Cadillac. 

Then Bi-partisan sold-out "mavericks" like McCain hammer out immigration reform requiring an illegal to put up $5000!  Who but a DRUG CARTEL illegal has $5000?  What was McCain THINKING and what was he trying to THINK with?  HMMM...wonder if any illegals actually made the $5000 "deposit" or sort of "bond".  Did they get the money back once they became citizens?  Who was in charge of this money, if there WAS any raised with this hare-brained scheme?  The Young Turk, LIBERAL JERK was saying he would put $5000 in makeup on or somewhere on Senator John McCain which was an internet cover-up/spin for fellow-jerk McCain's "$5000 Each for Immigration Scheme" legislation.

During the last half of 2008, when the US financial institutions of banks, savings and loans, etc...were in freefall, the John McCain met with the country's top economic decision-makers and other trusted advisers on a daily basis, sometimes for hours. In 2013, although the recession is far from over, Obama's administration has appeared to have saved the country's economy from total collapse seemingly as he said he would.  Then he did some things he promised that nobody wanted, namely deforming and taking over 1/7th of the US economy via US healthcare system and enslaving thousands of students to the US federal student loan program which took banks out of the picture and competetion from lower interest due to competing banks.(5)

After the getting steam-rolled and trampled on at the end of the heated healthcare reform debate, McCain threatened that Obama should not expect any GOP co-operation for the rest of the year, (6)which was a "heat-of-the-moment-lie" since the Democrats know they can count on McCain to knife the GOP in the back at every turn.

Later Obama did unilateral nuclear disarmament without "Trust But Verify", a GOP idea to be avoided,  just as we feared.  This is why Democrats appear to love tyrants and dictators...they cozy up, accept empty promises, and do not ask for anything verifiable in return.

Lately John (The Snake) McCain gave $5000 to the defense funds of two sheriffs, which covered his tracks on the $5000 immigration nonsense bill. (5)
The extent of McCain-Feingold bi-sexual, bi-partisanship is unknown and subject to debate.  McCain is also against a filibuster of Hagel who was not even low and despicable enough to keep his life-time job in the US Senate.  Did a streak of decency, spoil his career?

Eleven of the lowest, 2%ers Congress has ever seen in life-time jobs want to know the secret legal opinions that lay out the rationales for killing Americans accused of taking part in terrorism plots, revealing possible self-interest.  Do they want to save themselves by changing some of the low-down ways?

Three members of the intelligence panel signed the tell-all-drone-secrets letter were Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). Sen. Patrick J. (LEAKY free diaper advocate and leaks-to-press and other enemies of the U.S.) Leahy (D-Vt.), the chairman for no-apparent-reason of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the very rank and ranking Republican on that infiltrated, infested panel.

Very rank Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA)  was one of only two Republicans to vote AGAINST holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for the “Fast and Furious” scandal.  With RINO Republicans like Rigell, rhymes with "wiggle", who needs Democrat Socialists, Liberals and Progressives or even those in the New World!  Holy Rancor of the Rancid, Batdude!  Rigell makes the "Stench from the Bench" of California's 9th Circus Court smell like a room full of roses.  And the odor of Rigell's his best "foot" forward.
It is thought that "Odor Eaters" might consume Rigell so he refrains from using them, hense he is admonished for removing his shoes if he ever does.  Currently no politicians dare to remove their shoes like Nikita Kruschev of shoe pounding fame.



In the summer of 2012, as the fighting in Syria worsened and questions about U.S. inaction grew, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met privately with David Petraeus, the director of the CIA, about joining forces on a plan to arm the Syrian resistance in a fit of bad taste, poor timing, and hasty decisions.

The idea was to check out best and most harmless of the rebel groups and train fighters, who would be supplied with weapons. The plan offered the potential of creating Syrian allies with whom the U.S. could work after Assad’s eventual removal, and who MIGHT double-cross the U.S. like all the others we have trusted in our stupidity.
Clinton and Petraeus offered the plan to the White House, according to administration officials. The White House was not particularly concerned about the risks, but with President Obama in the midst of a re-election bid, they were turned down in a fit of good taste, good-timing and well-thought-out decisions.

My comment:

The NATO-Islamic Jihad nexus lead to the fall of a brutal military regime in Libya that was predictable and not dangerous to the U.S. in favor of unknowns which sided with Islamic forces making the fruits of this military collaboration toxic. The known-homosexual American ambassador Stevens died when Islamic forces attacked the US Consulate in Bengazi.

We need to question if Hillary Clinton overall, did have the correct world view. Did she understand the spiritual nature of the threat the US forces are up against? Or was she just trying to appease her boss, Obama, and assist the Arab Spring Islamic take-over of the Middle East?

Did Clinton understand that the same Islamic forces fighting a brutal dictatorship that was predictable and not dangerous to the U.S. in favor of unknowns in Syria, are the same forces who killed the US ambassador?

Most people do not think she or Obama ever did.

Why should the US arm Islamic terrorists, who attack friendly Russian oil-interests in Syria, and not expect more Islamic violence against American targets, not even interested in Lybian oil, but throwing away American money and war goods?

It has been likened to feeding Satan, when diabolical, Christian-hating Democats feel that they have done a good deal for evil. Then in the next moment they know, they find themselves under deadly attacks.

Supporters of evil, repent. You are on your way through the wide gates that leads to destruction. May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all deceived souls. Amen.

These Seven Things Obama Will NEVER do because he is number one and couldn't care less about disillutioned activists.

Obama will NEVER repeal the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with its provisions for preventive detention A) It bothers lots of people and he likes to bother people.(2) B) He may have to suspend Habias Corpus and a few other rights to remain king.

Obama will NEVER shut down the Guantanomo Bay detention camp (GITMO)A) This puts a bee in every bonnet from Talahasee to Tulane since prison is expensive; some say $20,000 per year per inmate. B) NOBODY wants these Muslim thugs in their state much less in their prison.  Everybody recalls that 8 Nazi saboteurs were going to kill,kill,kill but FDR hung,hung,hung most of them. What if ONE of them had just destroyed ONE target? 10 dead? 100s dead? 1000s of innocent Americans DEAD? UPDATE: In Feb. 2013, around 24 Guantanamo prisoners staged a hunger strike because their collective panties are in a wad over the U.S. government's failure to close the detention camp and seek media attention stated a Marine Corps general,General John Kelly, on March 20,2013.(3)

Obama will NEVER give up using big-time force, with Homeland Security collaboration, to kick out peaceful Occupy protesters. A) Have you seen "peaceful protesters' rap sheets?  They have committed everything from stoop pooping to rape.B) Why would Obama toss away power, big-time,massive force power?

Obama will NEVER "let go" Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education and replace him with a lifetime educator because that would reward a deserving lifetime educator AND teachers' unions LOVE Duncan AND he LOVES gun control/confiscation AND Duncan thinks MORE money will fix anything AND wants he wants to BLAME and FINE HEAVILY highly paid college basketball coaches because of low graduation rates without so much as defining "low" AND some players do not graduate because they GO PRO for $500,000 contracts.

Obama will NEVER speak out in favor of legalizing marijuana and releasing non-violent drug offenders because Obama is a hypocrit with NO sympathy for those who get caught.  He MIGHT, however, offer tips on how not to get caught with marijuana or cocaine, since he wants to be "cool" more than he prizes his reputation as an example for youth and being presidential.(4)

Obama will NEVER flush the whole White House economic team, beginning with Secretary of Treasury Timothy (Tax Cheat) Geithner and Lawrence Summers because A) Geithner gives the impression that people CAN get away with not paying their taxes which trial and tax lawyers and "fixers" LOVE.B) IF Obama was not absolutely THRILLED at high unemployment, high debt, and the ridiculous new budget passed March 22, 2013, and how much sheer fun he will have doing an "end run" around it to keep spending unsustainable.  C) Obama sees the US credit devaluation as PROOF he is doing EVERYTHING right on schedule, it is just not costing enough yet.(5)

Obama will NEVER proclaim that he is more popular than Jesus Christ because A)He does not want to remind people of the Beatles. B)Obama knows Americans cling to guns and religion. (6)C) He knows he is the GREATEST of all 6 billion plus in the world AND JESUS CHRIST but feels he has to keep it to himself.

    You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
    And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Ben Smith calls it," a pretty broad list of things to explain with job loss."(6)

Obama will NEVER admit that he never had any intention of being a good POTUS since it is such a good joke on the American people that he ever became an ineligible success and he has freely admitted wanting to spread the wealth i.e being a communist. Daddy Frank would have been proud of his little Muslim boy child. But many suspect the Supreme Court has seen the DNA record which is exactly WHY they did not have an opinion on Obama's eligibility to run for POTUS, despite Obama's appearing to be born in then Kenya (now Zanzibar renamed) with an apparent British citizenship, father, whom he bears little resemblance to but looks like Frank Marshall Davis' FOUR children who also have a white mother.






